Last update: November 28, 2023

15 Best African Dwarf Frog Tank Mates

African dwarf frogs are known as social creatures, and pairing these frogs with the right companions will help them thrive. These amphibians are peaceful and coexist well with fish and a handful of their species. If your tank is looking empty and your African dwarf frogs are looking lonely, there are many options for tank mates.

When choosing tank mates, consider these three things. First, the companion needs to thrive in similar tank conditions to the frogs. Second, the companions should have calm, passive natures much like the African dwarf frogs.

Third, know that size matters! The fish need to be a medium size compared to the frogs so they canโ€™t eat or be eaten by them. Here we share a comprehensive list of the best sea creatures that will cohabitate in a tank with African Dwarf Frogs.

African Dwarf Frog Tank Mates – What you need to know


Put simply, you want to pair your amphibians with non-aggressive fish. No matter the size, aggressive, territorial, or food-enthusiastic fish make nibbles at your frogs. Though one may not be bad, repetitive bites may do serious harm.


African dwarf frogs are pretty small themselves, usually capping out at around 3 inches long. A fish around 3 inches or smaller will ensure that sushi is not on the menu for the frogs, and frog legs arenโ€™t on the menu for the fish.


With their calm temperament, these frogs can be a little shy and slow when it comes to eating. It would be best if the frogs had nothing to worry about when feeding, so factor this into your calculations when choosing tank mates.

Parameters & Tank Setup

As a tropical frog, light, temperature, and filtered water are necessary for this species to thrive. Also, these frogs need 10-12 hour cycles of light, so an LED aquarium light is required. Finally, these frogs have sensitive skin, so your water should be filtered and set to these parameters:

  • Temperature: 72-78 degrees F
  • PH levels: 6.5-7.8
  • GH levels: 5-20
  • KH levels: 4-15 Figures

African Dwarf Frog Tank Mates

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1. Neon Tetra

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  • Scientific Name:  Paracheirodon innesi
  • Adult Size:  1.5 inches
  • Compatible with: Peaceful, small fish and amphibians. 
  • Water Temperature:ย  68-82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Tank size: Minimum of 5 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy
  • Origin:  South America, Amazon Basin

Not only are the Neon tetra one of the most popular fish for aquarium owners, but their peaceful nature makes them great companions for your frogs. They are striking-looking fish and are easy to take care of. Additionally, their ideal pH levels, water warmth, and diets are all similar to African dwarf frogs.

One important aspect to consider is they are schooling fish, so they need to be in a group of five or more to be happy. Consider your tank size before going for these fish, as they need a bit more space if they’re sharing it with frogs. It is also recommended that you feed your frogs pellets that sink to the bottom so that there is less food competition.

2. Guppy

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  • Scientific Name:  Poecilia reticulata
  • Adult Size:  1.5 – 2 inches
  • Compatible with: peaceful, small fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature: 75-80 degrees F
  • Tank size: Minimum of 5 gallons
  • Level of Care: Easy
  • Origin:  South America

Guppies are one of the most common fish so they are highly accessible at aquatic stores and easy for beginner fish owners. The conditions they need and care requirements are almost the same as African dwarf frogs, and their color varieties add a wonderful vibrancy to your tank.ย 

The only potential downside to guppies is their prolific reproduction rates. Be sure to keep an eye out for guppy fry, but African dwarf frogs have been known to feed on these, too.

3. Rummy Nose Tetra

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  • Scientific Name:  Hemigrammus rhodostomus
  • Adult Size:  2-2.5 inches
  • Compatible with:  peaceful community fish
  • Water Temperature:  75-85 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Intermediate
  • Origin: South America – Amazon Basin, Orinoco River in Brazil and Venezuela

Rummy nose tetra are striking, lively fish who are known for their easy care. Their size, peaceful nature, and schooling habits make them ideal for a dwarf frog companion. They are also unique in their appearance, adding beauty to the tank, and they are quite easy to take care of.ย 

Like the African dwarf frogs, rummy nose tetra are social animals that can get nervous without proper company. They need to be in a group of five or more, or else theyโ€™ll be unhappy, so consider this before buying just one or two.

4. Harlequin Rasbora

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  • Scientific Name: Trigonostigma heteromorpha
  • Adult Size:  1.75 inches
  • Compatible with: peaceful, community tanks
  • Water Temperature:  73-83 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Intermediate
  • Origin: Southeast Asia

Harlequin rasbora are a peaceful fish species, growing to up to 2 inches max, and they get along with the other fish in a community. These fish thrive in warm weather and enjoy soft, acidic water that African dwarf frogs also enjoy. They are active and dwell at the top of the waterline.

The main concern you will have if incorporating harlequin rasbora in with your African Dwarf Frogs is the competition for food. Though these fish are generally peaceful, they are faster than the frogs and eat the same food as them too. If not watched, they can easily outcompete your frog, leaving them malnourished.

5. Bamboo Shrimp

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  • Scientific Name: Atyopsis moluccensis
  • Adult Size:  3-4 inches
  • Compatible with: peaceful, community tanks
  • Water Temperature:  73-83 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Intermediate
  • Origin: Southeast Asia

A great alternative to fish, these crustaceans are filter feeders, meaning they donโ€™t have sharp claws and are peaceful. They add an interesting aspect to your tank, are quite easy to take care of, and are simply beautiful.

Many people may question the choice of shrimp, but at three to four inches, an adult bamboo shrimp will not have any problem staying out of your frog’s stomach.

The one major con to Bamboo Shrimp, though, is their short lifespan. Typically they live from 1 to 2 years, so unfortunately they will need to be replaced regularly. Additionally, in order to properly feed, they will need a place with a strong current, like near a filter outflow.

6. Nerite Snail

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  • Scientific Name:  Nerita
  • Adult Size:  1 inch
  • Compatible with: Peaceful, small fish and amphibians  
  • Water Temperature:  65-85 degrees F
  • Tank size: Minimum of 5 gallons
  • Level of Care: easy
  • Origin: Africa

Nerite snails are one of the coolest-looking snails for freshwater tanks, with spiral-shaped shells coming in a variety of patterns and colors. They clean up the environment by feeding on the algae and debris that dirty your tank without competing for your frogs’ food.

Their maintenance levels are about the same, and these snails can actually help your frogs thrive.

One con of the nerite snail, however, is that they lay eggs around tanks that donโ€™t look great. Keep in mind, though, that these eggs can only hatch in brackish water, so you wonโ€™t have a reproduction nightmare that comes with other snails.

8. Zebra Danio

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  • Scientific Name: Danio rerio
  • Adult Size:  1.5-2.5 inches
  • Compatible with: peaceful, schooling fish
  • Water Temperature:  64-77 degrees
  • Minimum tank size:  10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy.
  • Origin: South Asia

These playful fish are easy, low-maintenance companions for your African dwarf frogs. They eat similar food, require the same types of water pH levels, and are calm and peaceful fish. When you have zebra danios in the same tank as your frogs, you do not have to do anything extra to care for them.

The downside to these fun fish is their disease susceptibility. The average lifespan is up to five years, though they donโ€™t often live this long. They are also schooling fish, so it is best to buy six or more together.

Though a 10-gallon tank size is a minimum for this fish, they would be more comfortable with something around 20 gallons if they are sharing space with other creatures.

9. Honey Gourami

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  • Scientific Name:  Colisa Lalia
  • Adult Size:  2-3 inches
  • Compatible with: a wide range of peaceful fish
  • Water Temperature:  72-82 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Moderate
  • Origin: South Asia

Honey gouramis originate from India, Borneo, and Burma, so they enjoy warmer temperatures and are easy to take care of by owners of all experience levels. They pair well with African dwarf frogs because of their beautiful colors, shy nature, and similar omnivorous diet.

Gouramis are susceptible to diseases, so a strong diet and proper filtration are key to keeping them happy. Additionally, they can be quite reclusive, so adding lots of plants and other smaller mates is the best bet for these bright orange fish.

10. Cherry Barb

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  • Scientific Name: Puntius titteya
  • Adult Size:  1.5- 2 inches
  • Compatible with: docile, peaceful fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature:  72-82 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy
  • Origin: Sri Lanka

Small schooling fish, these guys keep mostly to themselves. They are shy and peaceful, so like the honey gouramis, they enjoy hideouts and plants in their habitat. They eat just about everything that African dwarf frogs eat too.

Be sure to have a one-to-one ratio of male to female, otherwise, the cherry barbs will not have anyone to show off their beautiful red color to. It is also important to note that these fish require moderate water flow, which African dwarf frogs love, but make sure you have this in your tank.

11. Black Skirt Tetra

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  • Scientific Name: Gymnocorymbus ternetzi
  • Adult Size:  2-3 inches
  • Compatible with: docile, peaceful fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature:  72-82 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 15 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy
  • Origin: Bolivia, Brazil, and northern Argentina

Shy and peaceful, these schooling fish will do best with lots of hiding places and plants. These fish have a similar diet to African dwarf frogs, enjoy the same water condition, and are very low maintenance.

They should be in groups of five or more so they feel safe. They flourish when provided a bit more space in the tank to roam around freely. Additionally, the species is sensitive to water quality and their environment, so owners have to maintain their tanks so these fish are stress-free.

12. Mystery Snail

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  • Scientific Name: Viviparus georgianus
  • Adult Size:  2 inches
  • Compatible with: docile, non-aggressive fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature:  72-82 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 5 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy
  • Origin: Bolivia, Brazil, and northern Argentina

These snails have long antennae that help them swim surprisingly quickly in contrast to the stereotypical snail. What makes these snails great companions to the African dwarf frog is they are a natural tank cleaner. Because the frogs are pretty messy eaters, having one of these snails in your tank is a great idea.

Be sure your mystery snail is an adult, though, because a less mature snail is likely to be eaten up by a hungry frog. Additionally, if you have more than one of these snails, you may run into the issue of massive reproduction. You can avoid this issue by removing their eggs which can be easily found because the snail lays them above the waterline.

13. Corydora Catfish

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  • Scientific Name: Corydoras arcuatus
  • Adult Size: .75- 4 inches
  • Compatible with: docile, non-aggressive fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature:  72-82 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 20 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy
  • Origin: South America

Though many types of catfish are not suitable for African dwarf frog tanks, these peaceful creatures are bottom feeders that scrounge for leftovers.

The maintenance they require is similar to their froggy friends, and their playful swimming habits are fun to watch. There are 161 different species available, so do a bit of research to make sure you get some that are the right size for your tank.

If you want a school of corys, it is best to have a sand substrate, as sharper rocks can damage the barbels of these fish mouths. Additionally, these fish are sensitive to ammonia and nitrates, so it is best that you measure and clean your water at regular intervals.

14. Celestial Pearl Danio

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  • Scientific Name: Danio margaritarus
  • Adult Size: up to 1 inch
  • Compatible with: docile, non-aggressive fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature:  68-80 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Intermediate
  • Origin: Myanmar

These shy, beautiful fish need heavily planted tanks to thrive. They have a similar diet, tank requirement, and water parameters as African dwarf frogs, and their beauty will add a unique flavor to your tank.

There is a slight risk in keeping celestial pearl danio with your frogs because they are fast swimmers and will gobble up food quickly. Experienced owners, though, should have no problem giving food out equally.

15. Chili Rasboras

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  • Scientific Name: Boraras brigittae
  • Adult Size: Up to 0.7 inches
  • Compatible with: docile, non-aggressive fish and amphibians
  • Water Temperature:  68-82 degrees
  • Tank size: Minimum of 10 gallons
  • Care Level:  Easy
  • Origin: Southern Borneo, Indonesia

These small, quick fish are compatible with African dwarf frogs because of their passive nature and easy diet. Their fast-darting movements are interesting to watch, and they do best, again, with plants to hide in.

The biggest issue is their size and speed. They eat relatively quickly compared to the slow-moving African dwarf frogs. Also, they are small enough to be eaten by frogs. However, these issues cancel each other out for the most part; they donโ€™t eat too much, and they are too quick for the frogs.


The 15 best African dwarf frog tank mates all have many things in common. These fish, crustaceans, and mollusks have similar diets, a calm, shy nature, and thrive off of similar water temperatures, acidity, pH balance, and chemical levels as your frogs. The only things to consider are your tank type and taste in beauty.

Consider what your tank can offer each of these mates before adding them to your frogs’ home. Each needs to have a specific water flow, environment, food, cleanliness, and many other things in order for them to thrive in their homes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do African Dwarf Frogs need a companion?

As social animals, it is best to keep African dwarf frogs in groups of two or more. Additionally, they do enjoy other fish, but only if they are calm, peaceful, and slow eaters.

How Many African Dwarf Frogs Should I have?

Depending on the size of your aquarium, you can have 1-2 of these frogs. They would thrive in a 5-gallon aquarium. If you want to have more or share the space with other fish, you should invest in a 20-gallon or larger aquarium.

Can African Dwarf Frogs and Plecos live together?

Provided with enough hiding spaces, these frogs theoretically would be safe with all fish. However, it is not recommended to keep them with large predatory fish like Plecos, Bettas, (most) Catfish, and Cichlids for their safety.

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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