Last update: April 22, 2024

15 Best Congo Tetra Tank Mates – FishLab

Congo Tetras, belonging to the family Alestidae, is a species of peaceful schooling fish native to the Congo River Basin in Africa. Due to their beautiful appearance, peaceful temperament, and minimal care requirements, Congo Tetras are highly popular in the aquarium trade.

Choosing new tank mates for Congo Tetras can be tricky since not all species are compatible with them. In this guide, we’ve picked the best Congo Tetra tank mates for you and we’re going to go over each one in detail and explain why it made it to our list.

Read on to find out more!

Congo Tetra Tank Mates — What You Need To Know

When choosing suitable tank mates for your Congo Tetras, there are some factors you need to consider before introducing a new species to your tank. Here are some important considerations:


Since Congo Tetras are peaceful, non-aggressive fish, their new tank mates should have a similar temperament. Avoid species with aggressive behavioral traits.


Congo Tetras can grow up to 3 inches in length. Avoid choosing tank mates that are significantly larger than them since it can lead to bullying and aggression.


Congo Tetras typically live in shoals of 6 or more fish and don’t like to compete. They like to keep to themselves and prefer larger tanks where they have plenty of room to swim and thrive.

Parameters ; Tank Setup

Below, we list down the ideal water parameters and tank conditions for Congo Tetras. Any new tank mates that you choose should be able to thrive in these conditions as well.

  • Temperature: 73 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • pH: 6.0 to 7.5
  • Hardness: 3 to 18 dGH
  • Minimum tank capacity: 30 gallons

15 Best Congo Tetra Tank Mates

You also shouldn’t miss these other favorite picks:

1. Cory Catfish

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  • Scientific Name: Corydoras
  • Adult Size: 1 to 4.5 inches in length
  • Compatible with: swordtails, tetras, and other corys
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: lakes and streams in South America

The Cory Catfish is a peaceful, non-aggressive fish that feeds at the bottom of the tank. Although these fish are social, they prefer to keep to themselves and other fish of their species.

The peaceful temperament of the Cory Catfish, coupled with its minimal care requirements, make it one of the best tank mates for the Congo Tetra, in our opinion.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Peaceful, typically staying out of the way of Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

2. Guppies

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  • Scientific Name: Poecilia reticulata
  • Adult Size: 1 to 2 inches in length
  • Compatible with: platies, mollies, tetras, and other peaceful fish
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: freshwater streams in northern South America

Guppies are highly popular in the aquarium trade, owing to their small size, peaceful behavior, and easy care level.

They get along quite well with other peaceful, non-aggressive fish and serve as good tank mates for Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Have a similarly peaceful and calm temperament

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

3. Dwarf Cichlids

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  • Scientific Name: Apistogramma Cichlid
  • Adult Size: 3 to 4 inches in length
  • Compatible with: cardinal tetras, hatchetfish, pygmy gouramis, galaxy rasboras
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: freshwater bodies in South America

Dwarf Cichlids are beautiful fish with flat, brightly-colored bodies and strong fins. These fish are quite popular in the aquarium trade and make great tank mates for many species.

Unlike larger Cichlid species, Dwarf Cichlids have a peaceful temperament, which makes them ideal tank mates for Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Peaceful and calm towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None, though larger Cichlid species can be aggressive

4. Neon Tetras

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  • Scientific Name: Paracheirodon innesi
  • Adult Size: 1.5 inches in length
  • Compatible with: rasboras, guppies, hatchetfish, and other tetras
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: clearwater and blackwater streams in the Amazon basin, South America

Neon Tetras are small, brightly-colored fish that are native to the Amazon basin. These fish are peaceful and social and prefer to live in groups of six or more.

Due to their non-aggressive and placid nature, Neon Tetras are highly compatible with other tetras, especially Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Have a calm and placid nature
  • Have similar tank requirements as Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

5. Platies

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  • Scientific Name: Xiphophorus maculatus
  • Adult Size: 2 to 3 inches in length
  • Compatible with: cory catfish, small rasboras and tetras, rainbowfish
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: southern Mexico and the eastern coast of Central America

Platies are among the most common aquarium fish and are loved by aquarists due to a multitude of reasons. They are beautiful, easy to care for, and get along well with other species.

Due to their playful and non-aggressive nature, platies are highly compatible with Congo Tetras and make perfect tank mates.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Non-aggressive and peaceful towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None, though sometimes platies may fight among themselves

6. Glowlight Tetra

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  • Scientific Name: Hemigrammus erythrozonus
  • Adult Size: 1.5 inches in length
  • Compatible with: barbs, cory catfish, danios, and other small tetras
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Essequibo river basin in Guyana

Glowlight Tetras are small, beautiful fish originating from the Essequibo basin in Guyana. Their brightly-colored bodies and minimal care requirements make them highly popular among aquarists.

Due to their peaceful nature, they can co-exist peacefully with Congo Tetras without any problems.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Peaceful nature means they get along well with Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

7. Harlequin Rasbora

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  • Scientific Name: Trigonostigma heteromorpha
  • Adult Size: 1.5 to 2 inches in length
  • Compatible with: cardinal tetras, neon tetras, danios, small barbs, and cory catfish
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: freshwater bodies in southern Thailand, Sumatra, Singapore, and Malaysia

The Harlequin Rasbora or Red Rasbora is a small fish with a beautiful metallic color that inhabits freshwater bodies in some regions of Southeast Asia.

Harlequin Rasboras are very peaceful and non-aggressive fish that get along well with other peaceful fish, especially Congo Tetras. You can’t go wrong with choosing them as tank mates for your Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Peaceful and non-aggressive towards Congo Tetras
  • Have similar tank requirements as Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

8. Barbs

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  • Scientific Name: Barbus (Cyprinidae)
  • Adult Size: up to 6 inches in length
  • Compatible with: mollies, plecos, swordtails, platies, and other barbs
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Southeast Asia and Africa

Barbs are a group of fish that are found primarily in Southeast Asia and Africa and are known for their peaceful, lively, and active nature.

Most species of barbs are compatible with Congo Tetras and can serve as good tank mates for them.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Non-aggressive towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Some barb species might be too active for Congo Tetras
  • Some barb species can be aggressive and are known to nip fins

9. Cardinal Tetra

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  • Scientific Name: Paracheirodon axelrodi
  • Adult Size: 2 inches in length
  • Compatible with: corydoras, dwarf gouramis, and dwarf cichlids
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: Venezuela, Brazil, and Colombia

The Cardinal Tetra — yet another tetra on our list — is one of the most popular and arguably most beautiful tetra species you can get for your tank.

Cardinal Tetras are community fish that have a peaceful and sociable nature. This is why they make excellent tank mates for Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Very peaceful towards Congo Tetras
  • Have similar tank requirements as Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

10. Mollies

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  • Scientific Name: Poecilia sphenops
  • Adult Size: 3.5 to 4.5 inches in length
  • Compatible with: tetras, danios, cory catfish, barbs, and loaches
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: from Southern United States to Central America

Mollies are beautiful fish with colorful, exotic-looking bodies that are highly popular in the aquarium trade.

Due to their generally non-aggressive and easy-going nature, they can co-exist peacefully with Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Non-aggressive towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

11. Rainbowfish

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  • Scientific Name: Melanotaeniidae
  • Adult Size: 4 to 4.5 inches in length
  • Compatible with: tetras, mollies, plecos, guppies, rasboras, barbs
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, and Madagascar

Rainbowfish are colorful freshwater fish found in rivers, lakes, and other freshwater bodies in countries like Australia, Indonesia, and Madagascar. These fish are hardy and can survive in a wide range of water conditions.

Due to their peaceful and placid temperament, Rainbowfish make excellent tank mates for Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Peaceful and non-aggressive towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None but Rainbowfish may be aggressive toward their own species

12. Ember Tetra

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  • Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon amandae
  • Adult Size: under 1 inch in length
  • Compatible with: smaller gouramis, harlequin rasboras, pygmy corydoras, and other tetras
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Araguaia River basin, Brazil

The Ember Tetra is yet another fish that can serve as an excellent companion for your Congo Tetras.

This small, brightly-colored freshwater fish is easy to care for and has a calm and peaceful temperament. Suffice it to say, Ember Tetras are highly compatible with Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Similar temperament, so no infighting

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

13. Swordtails

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  • Scientific Name: Xiphophorus helleri
  • Adult Size: average length of 5.5 inches
  • Compatible with: platies, mollies, dwarf gouramis, angelfish, neon tetras
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: freshwater bodies in North and Central America

Swordtails are freshwater fish highly popular among aquarists due to their unique appearance and minimal care requirements.

Besides being very easy to care for, swordtails possess a calm and peaceful temperament which makes them ideal tank mates for Congo Tetras.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Similar temperament, so no infighting

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Some adult fish may develop the habit of nipping fins

14. Chili Rasbora

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  • Scientific Name: Boraras brigittae
  • Adult Size: 0.5 to 0.7 inches in length
  • Compatible with: ember tetras, lambchop rasboras, dwarf cory catfish
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: southern parts of Borneo, Indonesia

Chili Rasboras are small fish with bright red-orange bodies that are native to the southern regions of Borneo in Indonesia.

These fish are very peaceful and can even be timid sometimes. They pair well with other non-aggressive fish such as the Congo Tetra and can be great tank mates for them.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Non-aggressive and peaceful behavior towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

15. Celestial Pearl Danio

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  • Scientific Name: Danio margaritatus
  • Adult Size: 0.7 to 1 inch in length
  • Compatible with: mollies, guppies, cory catfish, honey gourami, Kuhli loaches
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Hopong, Myanmar

The Celestial Pearl Danio is a small freshwater fish native to Myanmar. Its beautiful dark blue body with yellow spots and peaceful temperament have made it popular among aquarists.

Since the Celestial Pearl Danio is a peaceful community fish, it can be an excellent tank mate for the Congo Tetra.

Pros of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • Peaceful, non-aggressive temperament towards Congo Tetras

Cons of keeping with Congo Tetras

  • None!

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, Congo Tetras are peaceful, non-aggressive fish that should only be paired with species having a similar temperament.

In this guide, we went over the 15 best Congo Tetra tank mates you can introduce to your tank and shed light on their behavioral and physical characteristics. Moreover, we also listed down the factors you need to consider when choosing a new tank mate for Congo Tetras.

We hope you enjoyed reading this insightful guide and can now put your newly-gained knowledge about the best Congo Tetra tank mates to practical use. Thank you for reading!


Are Congo Tetras aggressive towards any other fish?

Congo Tetras are generally very peaceful fish that get along well with most other species. They tend to keep to themselves and usually don’t exhibit aggressive behavior towards other fish in the tank.

Which fish do not get along well with Congo Tetras?

Fish that are aggressive, have different temperaments, or are too big in size should not be paired with Congo Tetras. These include the Flowerhorn fish, Oscar fish, and aggressive species of barbs and cichlids. Such fish should never be introduced as tank mates for Congo Tetras.

Are Congo Tetras easy to care for?

Yes, Congo Tetras are relatively easy to care for since they don’t need much to be happy and are quite hardy. You just need to ensure that the tank conditions and water parameters fall within the acceptable range for Congo Tetras. Overall, these fish are a good choice for beginners who have little or no experience.

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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