Last update: August 15, 2024

How To Breed Betta Fish – Step-by-Step Guide to Successful Betta Fish Breeding

Are you genuinely interested in breeding Betta fish? 

If yes, you need to understand that your one wrong step can end the life of your Betta fish. Everything has a process, a cycle.

Betta fish breeding has too. This article will provide you with all the material that will guide you to breed Betta fish successfully. 

If you put one male Betta fish with another male Betta fish in a single bowl, then you can expect aggressive reactions. However, a female Betta fish is a complete opposite.

One female betta stays cordially with another without ever raising the need to separate them. There is no fighting amongst the females. 

Betta fish breeding can be done only in captivity. All you have to keep in mind is to notice the female bettaโ€™s reaction to the male bettaโ€™s mating actions.ย 

Also, before you embark on this exciting journey, ensure you have these essential products that create a safe and optimal environment for both parents and their offspring.

What you need to know about Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta Fish

Betta fish are the most popular among all the other freshwater fish kept in aquariums globally. What makes them so delightful to observe? 

Their aggressive reactions, along with magnanimous fins, make them one of the most interesting ornamental fish in the world. 

They belong to the family of Osphronemidae, and their name, along with their personality, indicates that they are a clan of strong, chivalrous warriors. 

Characteristics of Betta fish 

betta characteristics
  • They can be too ferocious and too notorious at times.ย 
  • Their combat skills are exceptional.ย 
  • They are a bit possessive about their space. Once they have marked their territory, they wonโ€™t let anyone else enter that area.ย 

Betta fish found in wildlife vs those raised in bondage

The stark differences lie in their color and intricate tail design. While the Betta fish found in the wild have only three body colors, the Betta fish raised in captivity have no fixed number of colors.

The three colors found in the former types are light, dull shades of brown, grey, and green.

What is the lifespan of Betta fish? 

lifespan of betta fish

Unfortunately, these beautiful fish donโ€™t survive for more than four years. The average lifespan ranges between two-to-four years.

Within this lifetime, they feed on insects mostly. Thus, they are carnivores by nature. Given a choice, their diet would include Glassworm, Daphnia, Plankton, etc. 

Is the compatibility between Betta fish too low? 

  • Male-male donโ€™t adjust at all.ย 
  • Male-female get along only when it is breeding time.ย 
  • Female-female compatibility is vital.ย 

Learn more about betta fish from these other top sought posts:

How to set up the tank for Betta fish breeding and raising?ย 

Provide a secure and controlled space for your Betta fish to breed with this top-rated breeding box:

Tank design for raising Betta fish

tank design for betta fish
  • The Betta fish need to be healthy for both raising and breeding. You should design the tank so that it is a crystal clear replica of the natural habitat. It would make them feel safe and fearless.ย 
  • Use a big tank, possibly of 5 gallons at least. It will give sufficient space for the Betta fish to roam around.ย 
  • In the forthcoming step, cover the tank with a solid lid. Also, make sure there is enough light in the tank.ย 
  • Clean and aerate the tank every fifteen days.
  • Donโ€™t keep any sharp-edged tool in the tank as the Betta fishโ€™s delicate fins can be damaged.ย 
  • The average temperature of the tank should range between 23 degrees Celsius and 27 degrees celsius.ย 
  • The pH level of the tank should range from 6.8 to a maximum of 7.4.ย 

Accurately monitor your tank’s temperature levels with this state-of-the-art digital thermometer:

Tank design for Betta fish breeding

  • The first step is the most fundamental in the guide for Betta fish breeding. Since Betta fishโ€™s volatility increases to an extreme level while mating, the breeding bowl should be separate from the raising bowl.ย 
  • Make sure that the breeding of Betta fish takes place without any distracting noise. For this, you have to set up the breeding tank away from unnecessary background chaos. The water level in the tank should be 12.5 cm maximum.ย 
  • The temperature of the breeding tank should be twenty-five degrees celsius.ย 
  • The lighting should be dim under all circumstances. Betta fish donโ€™t like to spawn in bright light.ย 
  • Donโ€™t let the water flow cause damage to the male Betta fishโ€™s bubble nest.ย 
  • Add a few stones, real plants in the tank.ย 
  • Keep the bottom portion of the tank bare that is, no placement of gravels.ย 

How to condition the Betta fish for breeding purposes? 

bubble nest
  • In the natural habitat, female Betta fish selects a male Betta fish on her own. However, in captivity, it is you who is deciding to choose a pair for breeding. So, the conditioning has to be optimal at any cost.ย 
  • The first step to proper conditioning begins when you take care of the health of the fish. You have to make them strong enough to sustain the entire breeding process.ย 
  • For this, the diet of the females should have high levels of protein.ย 
  • The diet should be followed so that male Betta fish can take care of the eggs produced without losing their stamina.ย 
  • You have to feed both male and female Betta fish at least twice every day. You can also feed them four times a day. Their diet can include bloodworms, small insects, and so many more types of live food items.ย 

Introducing the female Betta fish and the male Betta fish to their breeding tank

  • Place a divider into the tank in a way that separates the tank into two different sides. Now, place the female Betta fish on one side. Half an hour later, set the male Betta fish on the other side.ย 
  • The male fish will try to catch the attention of the female by enhancing its fin colors. Now, you will have to look out for reciprocation from the female one. She will do it by enhancing her fin colors as well.ย 
  • After twenty-four hours, you will notice that the male betta will begin building its bubble nest on top of the almond leaf placed by you beforehand.ย 

Removing the divider from the breeding tank

breeding pair

Yes, you can remove the divider once the making of the bubble nest is complete. It happens after a day or two from the time when male betta and female betta were introduced to their breeding tank. 

Once the nest making is finished, the female Betta fish will move ahead and try to inspect it. If she is satisfied with the result, then she wonโ€™t walk away or create any sort of damage to it. 

Therefore, if the female is satisfied and happy, there will be biting and chasing done by the male. It is normal. Donโ€™t get worried. Then again, if the biting and chasing isnโ€™t mild, then you have to separate them and keep a close watch on both of them. 

A six-step guide to Betta fish breeding

separated bowl
  1. You have to put the female Betta fish and the male Betta fish in two separate bowls in the first step. Provide both of them with optimum quality betta food that is made especially for them. Then, you have to observe when it is time for the female to produce eggs. You also need to keep a watch on the male when he would begin building a bubble-like nest in the corner of his tank.ย 
  1. The second step is similar to human mating behavior. What happens in it? Soon after the first step, you have to place both the Betta fish in the same bowl. Then, you will notice that the male Betta fish is making sly yet aggressive advances. In case the female Betta fish doesnโ€™t respond to the aggressive advances in a way that would end up in mating, take her out of the bowl. Try again after a few days.ย 
  1. If the female responds to the maleโ€™s advances, then proceed to this step. Thirdly, you have to keep track of when the eggs are getting fertilized. Since the male Betta fish wonโ€™t tolerate the presence of the female betta, the best way out is to separate them. Take out the female Betta fish and place her back in her bowl.ย 
  1. The fourth step is the most crucial one when it comes to Betta fish breeding. How? Taking care of the hatchlings is necessary. If you donโ€™t do it, then there is no point in going ahead with the breeding process. So, what do you need to do? Pick up quite a few dried straws and place them in a bowl of water with a lid. Put this apparatus on a sunlit window sill.ย 
  1. Consequently, the hatchlings will begin to appear within two days. Once they have hatched, keep the male ones away from the others as there are chances that It will swallow them all if kept in the same little bowl.ย 
  1. The final step is all about taking care of the hatchlings. For example – how much nutrition is going in their body, if they are healthy or not. So, all you have to do is place the water-soaked straws into the same bowl where baby bettas are kept. This will keep them nourished. Then again, once two weeks are over, you can begin feeding them betta food.ย 

Also, create a safe area for newly born fish, essential for their survival. This provides hiding spots for the fry, protecting them from being eaten by their parents.

Final thoughts

Often, people ask – โ€œis it difficult to breed Betta fish?โ€ 

The answer to this question is no. The Betta fish breeding process is much easier than all other freshwater fish breeding processes. You can make an ample amount of money by breeding Betta fish if you do it correctly. 

As long as you follow the guidelines given in this article, you will encounter zero fuss from the Betta fish side. They will comply if your procedure is not wrong. 

Hopefully, now you are aware of the nitty-gritty details of Betta fish breeding.

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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