Last update: April 24, 2023

15 Best Jaguar Cichlid Tank Mates – FishLab

In the quest to find and sustain fish in your aquarium community, you may run into trouble looking for the best pairing with an aggressive jaguar cichlid! Luckily, weโ€™ve prepared a list of the top tank mates for a jaguar cichlid. 

The 15 Best Jaguar Cichlid tank mates are those that can survive in the same temperature of water and conditions, but also match temperaments with the Jaguar Cichlid. A fish that is too small may be eaten, while a fish that is too large can stress the cichlid. Examples of good tank mates are the Sailfin Pleco, the Red Devil Cichlid, and the Jack Dempsey Fish.

In this article, weโ€™ll cover the best Jaguar Cichlid tank mates, as well as some information about how to choose one and why these are the greatest options. 

Jaguar Cichlid Tank Mates – What You Need to Know


The jaguar cichlid is no different than the vast majority of cichlid fish in temperament: it is an aggressive, territorial fish that can quite easily bully any other neighbors that arenโ€™t able to stand up for themselves!

The secret to this is to get fish that are bigger or as big as the jaguar cichlid and tough enough to stare the other aggressive fish down, avoiding a fight. You can also get fish that are quick enough to escape the jaguar cichlid, or simply occupy a different zone of the tank. 


The size of a jaguar cichlid is between 16 inches and 24 inches, meaning it is a pretty large type of fish! The best tank mates will be ones that are roughly the same size or even larger than the jaguar cichlid to avoid being bullied.


 A jaguar cichlid mainly eats smaller fish and invertebrates. What this means is not only should you avoid smaller tank mates, but you should avoid any fish that eats a similar diet and cannot compete well with the jaguar cichlid in terms of speed and power.

If a fish eats the same thing as the jaguar cichlid, make sure it wonโ€™t be bullied out of itโ€™s fair share at meal time! Otherwise, find tank mates that eat a completely different diet. 

Parameters ; Tank Setup

 Finally, the tank setup of a jaguar cichlid is one with thick sand for digging in, roughly 70 gallons per adult fish! The water temperature should also be 73 to 82 F. Find tank mates that can also handle the same temperatures, and make sure there are plenty of plants so that this aggressive fish wonโ€™t always be able to find any tank mates to bully!

15 Best Jaguar Cichlid Tank Mates

  1. Green Terror Cichlid
  2. Sailfin Pleco
  3. Texas Cichlid
  4. Flowerhorn Cichlid
  5. Wolf Cichlid
  6. Red Devil Cichlid
  7. Jack Dempsey Fish
  8. Bala Shark
  9. Blue Acara Cichlid
  10. Convict Cichlid
  11. Oscar Fish
  12. Bristlenose Pleco
  13. Silver Dollar Fish
  14. Silver Arowana Fish
  15. Suckermouth Catfish

Letโ€™s take a more in-depth look at each of these fish in order to tell which one would suit your tastes best!

You also shouldn’t miss these other top picks in this category:

1. Green Terror Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Andinoacara rivulatus
  • Adult Size: 12 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

The Green Terror Cichlid makes itself one of the very best tank mates to have with a jaguar cichlid because its name lives up to its attitude! This other member of the cichlid lineup is not going to be pushed around by your jaguar cichlid. 

The green terror cichlid is colorful, looking pale and drab at first but with hints of beautiful iridescent green, especially around the fins and face! Youโ€™ll have nothing to fear from these two similar fish living together.

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar temperaments prevent bullying

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for some fighting.

2. Sailfin Pleco

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  • Scientific Name: Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
  • Adult Size: 13 to 19 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

If you are looking for another spotty beauty to go in your jaguar cichlidโ€™s aquarium, look no further than the sailfin pleco! Not only does this fish get to be a formidable size, keeping it from being bullied, but it just looks gorgeous. 

The sailfin pleco, like most plecos, prefers to stay near the bottom of the tank. From there, it shows off its beautiful golden body dappled with jet black spots and pale eyes. Its best decorative feature is the huge sail-shaped dorsal fin, from which it gets its name. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Too big to be bullied
  • No food competition

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • None!

3. Texas Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Herichthys cyanoguttatus
  • Adult Size: 12 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Medium difficulty
  • Origin: Mexico

The Texas Cichlid earns its spot in the tank with an aggressive jaguar cichlid by being just as aggressive. It is unlikely to be harassed thanks to its similar size and temperament!

Meanwhile, the Texas Cichlid is a variant in color and shape to the Jaguar Cichlid. It is still speckled with a dark mottled color, but it is mainly a vibrant cyan color! Also, this fish is an omnivore. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Little food competition
  • Similar temperaments make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for some fighting

4. Flowerhorn Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Amphilophus hybrid
  • Adult Size: 10 to 12 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Man-made

One of the most popular cichlids for beginners to own is the Flowerhorn Cichlid. This fish is a hybrid, and careful breeding in captivity produced a type of cichlid that has beautiful flowery coloration and an interesting horn-like bulge on its forehead!

The flowerhorn cichlid makes a great tank mate for a Jaguar cichlid simply because it has a very similar temperament and is too large to be bullied without standing up for itself.

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar temperaments make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Some food competition possible
  • Potential for some fighting

5. Wolf Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Parachromis Dovii
  • Adult Size: 2 feet long
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Central America, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua

This huge cichlid is named for its ferocious personality, which is certainly big and bad! A jaguar cichlid is unlikely to bother a wolf cichlid, which is why they make great tank mates. 

Wolf cichlids need lots of space to accommodate their size, but they are beautiful to make up for it. They come in silvery, iridescent hues ranging from gold to blue, and are speckled with dark spots merging into a lateral stripe. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar temperaments and size make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Needs lots of space

6. Red Devil Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Amphilophus labiatus
  • Adult Size: 15 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Puerto Rico, Tropical America

The red devil cichlid is another one of the same family as jaguar cichlids which has enough attitude to keep it from being trampled on by the jaguar tank mate. It has a rakish appearance, with bright, sunny coloration and black to dark grey markings!

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar size and temperament make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for fighting possible

7. Jack Dempsey Fish

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  • Scientific Name: Rocio octofasciata
  • Adult Size: 10 to 15 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Medium Difficulty
  • Origin: Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Belize

The Jack Dempsey fish is actually a type of cichlid, though it does not sport the same large sloping face or head shape. Instead, it is a beautiful dark lavender color covered in iridescent teal and gold scales, mottled with very dark blue. 

Donโ€™t let itโ€™s good looks fool you: this fish is named for itโ€™s fighting spirit! This makes it perfect to coexist with the fiesty jaguar cichlid. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar size and temperament make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for fighting possible

8. Bala Shark

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  • Scientific Name: Balantiocheilos melanopterus
  • Adult Size: 13 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Asia

This tank mate is actually not a shark at all, but a type of fish! That being said, a bala shark will eat smaller types of fish in itโ€™s omnivorous diet. Still, a jaguar cichlid has nothing to fear from this similarly-sized bala shark. Their closeness in size means they are unlikely to fight, too. 

All of that said, a bala shark is a peaceful creature and adds a sharp, split-finned and sleek shape to your cichlid-heavy tank!

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar size makes injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • May eat smaller fish

9. Blue Acara Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Andinoacara pulcher
  • Adult Size: 6 to 8 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Man-Made

The blue acara cichlid is unlike many other cichlids because of the fact that it is mainly peaceful in temperament. This is reflected in itโ€™s serene beauty, being a vibrant blue color with yellow and gold markings. 

Still, a blue acara cichlid is so close in size to a jaguar cichlid that it is unlikely to be bothered by its jaguar cichlid neighbor. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar size makes injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Some food competition
  • Potential for fighting

10. Convict Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Archocentrus nigrofasciatus
  • Adult Size: 6 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Medium Difficulty
  • Origin: Central America

The convict cichlid is named for itโ€™s black and white striped appearance, much like the outfit of a prisoner! If this fish were ever to go to fish jail, it would be for starting fights! Like other cichlids, the convict cichlid is naturally aggressive. 

Fortunately, this means the convict cichlid is perfectly acceptable as a tank mate for a jaguar cichlid, unlikely to be bullied out of food or turf. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar size and temperament make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for fighting

11. Oscar Fish

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  • Scientific Name: Astronotus ocellatus
  • Adult Size: 12 to 14 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

The Oscar fish will add a new level of color to your tank as well as shape. It is a dark, muted purple color laced with royal gold stripes and markings. 

The Oscar fish can be aggressive if it needs to defend itself, but it also mainly keeps to the top and middle of the tank. This combination of traits makes it unlikely to get into violent fights with a jaguar cichlid.

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Similar size and temperament make injury unlikely

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for fighting

12. Bristlenose Pleco

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  • Scientific Name: Ancistrus cirrhosus
  • Adult Size: 5 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Amazon

The bristlenose plecoโ€™s whiskery face will be fun to look at as it scuffs along the bottom of the jaguar cichlid tank, cleaning ub substrata and algae. It may be smaller than the jaguar cichlid, but it is large enough to avoid being eaten and remains in a completely different zone than the cichlids for most of itโ€™s time.

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Too big to be eaten or bullied
  • Cleans up tank

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for fighting

13. Silver Dollar Fish

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  • Scientific Name: Metynnis argenteus
  • Adult Size: 6 inches
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Medium Difficulty
  • Origin: Brazil

The silver dollar fish is named for itโ€™s resemblance to a big silver coin. It is bright and reflective, as well as large enough to avoid being bullied. 

However, the silver dollar fish is a peaceful type, and would get along better in a tank of jaguar cichlids with a few of itโ€™s own kind to school with. It mainly occuppies the middle of the tank. 

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Large enough to avoid bullying

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Potential for fighting

14. Silver Arowana Fish

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  • Scientific Name: Osteoglossum bicirrhosum
  • Adult Size: 3 to 4 feet
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Difficult
  • Origin: Peru, Columbia

A silver arowana fish is absolutely huge, meaning a jaguar cichlid is unlikely to mess with it! That being said, youโ€™ll need a very large tankโ€”at least 300 gallonsโ€”to be able to accommodate this type of tank mate. 

Silver arowanas are fun to watch because of their long, swooping bodies and upturned faces. They are a beautiful greyish silver color along their whole bodies!

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Too big for jaguar cichlid to attack

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Need large amounts of space

15. Suckermouth Catfish

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  • Scientific Name: Hypostomous plecostomous
  • Adult Size: 3 inches to 2 feet
  • Compatible With: Jaguar Cichlids
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

The suckermouth catfish is easy to care for as well as helpful in cleaning up itโ€™s dwelling at the bottom of the tank. When it is full grown, jaguar cichlids will not mess with it. However, it is important to note that if you have a suckermouth catfish that is small, it may be in some danger of bullying. 

Suckermouth catfish are low-dwelling, flat fish with prominent sail fins on their backs and dappled, dark bodies.

Pros of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid:

  • Will Clean Up Tank
  • Larger specimens are too large to be attacked

Cons of keeping with Jaguar Cichlid :

  • Some potential for fighting

In Conclusion

To sum everything weโ€™ve covered up, the 15 Best Jaguar Cichlid Tank Mates are fish that not only exist well in the same tank setup and water parameters, but have a big enough size or attitude to stand up to the aggressive fish!

Sometimes this includes other cichlid species, and sometimes all you need is a larger breed of fish, like a Silver Dollar fish or a Silver Arowana. Either way, thereโ€™s no need to let the Jaguar cichlidโ€™s bullying attitude keep you from having a vibrant tank community!

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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