Last update: April 24, 2023

15 Best Salvini Cichlid Tank Mates – FishLab

Salvini cichlids are lovely and fun to watch, but if youโ€™re looking for more fish for their tank, it can be a little tricky. To find the fish that can handle this cichlidโ€™s attitude, check out our list of the 15 best salvini cichlid tank mates!

The Best Salvini Cichlid tank mates are fish that can not only handle the cichlidโ€™s bold personality without being bullied, but live in the same water and environmental circumstances healthily. Some examples include other cichlids of the same size, or fish like the sailfin pleco and bristlenose pleco that occupy other zones of the tank. 

In this article, you will find everything you need to know in order to accurately choose the tank mates that will make your salvini cichlid happy and healthy. Weโ€™ll also show you why we picked our top 15 salvini cichlid tank mates, too!

Salvini Cichlid Tank Mates – What You Need to Know

The main categories of knowledge that youโ€™ll need to be aware of when picking out tank mates for any fish are the temperament, the food competition, the size differences, and the tank setup of each fish! Letโ€™s discuss why below. 


Temperament is, much like human roommate situations, one of the most important things to consider in fish tank mates. The salvini cichlid is very territorial. It likes itโ€™s space, and will not hesitate to pick fights with any other fish that is small or similar enough to look like an easy target. 

Youโ€™ll need to choose tank mates that are either too big to be bullied, or too bold in temperament to let themselves be chased around by salvini cichlids. Infighting with this fish is almost always a possibility, but by following those guidelines, you can keep any injury to a minimum. 


The size of a fish is important so that tank mates do not try to eat one another. The salvini cichlid is 8 inches when fully mature. This means youโ€™ll need fish that are either larger or similar in size. Getting a fish that is 3 inches or smaller is not the best idea, as it may wind up being food for the more aggressive cichlid!


 Your salvini cichlid is only likely to starve if the competition for food in your tank is too fierce. Try not to have fish that eat similar diets at similar times with the salvini cichlid unless youโ€™re sure that the cichlids will be able to fight their way to their fair share of food at meal time!

Parameters ; Tank Setup

A salvini cichlidโ€™s aggression can be cut down by having plenty of obstacles in the tank, like rocks or plants, to keep other fish out of itโ€™s eyeline for some of the day. Also, the water temperature should be between 75  to 78 F in a tank that is at least 50 gallons large. Other fish that will be tank mates for the salvini cichlid should be happy in similar conditions. 

15 Best Salvini Cichlid Tank Mates

  1. Sailfin pleco
  2. Bristlenose Pleco
  3. Convict Cichlid
  4. Blood Parrot Cichlid
  5. Oscar Fish
  6. Firemouth Cichlid
  7. Jack Dempsey Cichlid
  8. Green Terror Cichlid
  9. Severum Cichlid
  10. Pictus Catfish
  11. Red Eye Tetra
  12. Jewel Cichlid
  13. Giant Danio
  14. Tiger Barb
  15. Clown Loach

Letโ€™s look at each of these fish in a bit more detail so that you can find out why they make such great tank mates for Salvini cichlids. 

You also shouldn’t miss:

1. Sailfin Pleco

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  • Scientific Name: Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
  • Adult Size: 18 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

The sailfin pleco is a bottom feeding fish, and it happens to get quite large. What this means is that your salvini cichlid is unlikely to attack the peaceful lower-dweller. 

The sailfin pleco comes in dark brown speckles over a golden color. It is named for itโ€™s large, sail-like dorsal fin. 

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • No aggression
  • Too big to be bullied

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • None!

2. Bristlenose Pleco

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  • Scientific Name: Ancistrus cirrhosus
  • Adult Size: 5 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Amazon 

This peaceful pleco is just large enough to avoid being bullied too frequently by the salvini cichlid. It will also clean up algae and detritus at the bottom of the tank, like other plecos!

The bristlenose pleco gets its name from the whiskery appendages on its snout. It is generally a dark slate color with yellow to tan speckles.

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • No aggression
  • Too big to be bullied
  • Cleans up tank

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • None!

3. Convict Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Archocentrus nigrofasciatus
  • Adult Size: 6 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin:Central America

The convict cichlid earns itโ€™s name from itโ€™s black and white stripey appearance. Like the salvini variety, this cichlid is also territorial and a bit of a brute to neighbors. This means that while salvini cichlids and convict cichlids may brawl from time to time, they are more likely to size one another up and keep on swimming!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Similar temperaments
  • Too big to be bullied

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Fighting may occur

4. Blood Parrot Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Amphilophus citrinellys x Vieja synspilum
  • Adult Size: 7 to 10 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Man-Made

This hybrid was created for the viewing pleasure of aquarium owners, and has a bright red coloration and cute, perpetually puckered face! However, it did not inherit much of the cichlid fighting spirit, being mainly peaceful. 

Thanks to its sometimes large size, you can still house a blood parrot cichlid with a salvini cichlid. All you need is a tank large enough to provide each cichid with space to flee and hide if they feel threatened.  

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Large enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Fighting may occur

5. Oscar Fish

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  • Scientific Name: Astronotus ocellatus
  • Adult Size: 12 to 14 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Difficult
  • Origin: South America

An Oscar Fish is a South American breed which gets much bigger than a salvini cichlid! It is only semi-aggressive, however, and will only be likely to bother the salvini cichlid if it feels confined to too small a space in the middle zone of the tank. 

Oscar fish are not only large, but pretty, being a dark color with gold stripes and the occasional bright orange spot!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Too big to be bullied
  • Low food competition

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting may occur

6. Firemouth Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Thorichthys meeki
  • Adult Size: 5 to 6 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Mexico, Central America, Guatemala

The firemouth cichlid is around the same size as the salvini cichlid, and retains some of the cichlid fighting attitude. This means that whatever the salvini cichlid wants to start, the firemouth cichlid can finish!

Usually, the two fish realize this about their similar temperament and donโ€™t fight too frequently. The firemouth cichlid has a pleasing contrast in appearance, being silver with a fiery belly and black markings.

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Large enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting may occur

7. Jack Dempsey Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Rocio octofasciata
  • Adult Size: 10 to 15 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Medium difficulty
  • Origin: Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize

This fish is named for itโ€™s fighting spirit! It gets considerably large, and although it is not afraid to get into a fight, the salvini cichlid should be able to hold itโ€™s own or avoid injury thanks to similar temperaments and size. 

The Jack Dempsey Cichlid is a gorgeous dark purple to black in color, sparkling with brighter colored scales speckling it with turquoise and even gold.

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Big enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting possible

8. Green Terror Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Andinoacara rivulatus
  • Adult Size: 8 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Medium Difficulty
  • Origin: South America

This fish is a cousin to the Firemouth Cichlid! It is normally colored in a more sedate muted green rather than silver, with a longer forehead and yellow and bright cyan markings. 

The Green Terror Cichlid is named for itโ€™s ferocious personality. It will be just as territorial as salvini cichlids, so typically, the similarly-sized fish would rather stare each other down than actually fight. 

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Large enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting possible

9. Severum Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Heros severus
  • Adult Size: 7 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

Severum Cichlids are typically yellow, gold, orange, or even striped with fiery colors. This matches their hot-tempered, aggressive attitudes. It is this that makes them an acceptable matchup for Salvini Cichlids as tank mates. 

Though the two fish may encounter one another, and may even fight, these skirmishes donโ€™t often lead to injury and are infrequent as long as each has enough space. 

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Large enough to avoid injury
  • No food competition

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting may occur

10. Pictus Catfish

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  • Scientific Name: Pimelodus pictus
  • Adult Size: 5 to 6 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: South America

First-time aquarium owners would do well to own a pictus catfish! Not only are they easy to care for, but they stay on the bottom of the tank and grow large enough to completely discourage the salvini cichlid from attacks. 

Pictus catfish will clean up the bottom of the tank from leftovers and algae and are adorable to watch, too. They come in a bright, almost-white silver with spots and long whiskers, as well as neat little scissor-blade tails!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • No aggression
  • Large enough to avoid injury
  • Bottom dwellers, cleaning up the tank

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting may occur

11.ย  Red Eye Tetra

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  • Scientific Name: Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae
  • Adult Size: 2 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay

At first glance, this very small fish might seem like a bad idea to keep with your big, bad salvini cichlid. Truthfully, you donโ€™t want to use small peaceful fish like the tetra too often as a tank mate for cichlids. However, the red eye tetra can be an exception to this rule because it is fast and capable as long as it has six or more of its own kind to swim with. 

The red eye tetra is named for itโ€™s brightly colored eye. This makes for a great visual contrast with its more muted silvery-blue, round body!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Fast enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Must be kept in schools of at least 6 
  • Some fighting possible

12. Jewel Cichlid

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  • Scientific Name: Hemichromis bimaculatus
  • Adult Size: 3 to 12 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Difficult
  • Origin: Africa

The jewel cichlid is absolutely gorgeous. It does not have the sloping forehead of most cichlids, but it makes up for it in bright colors speckled with electric spots! Jewel cichlids can hold their own against salvini cichlids, being aggressive as well.

The best way to keep aggression from occurring is getting enough obstacles to break up the sight line of each fish, as well as a larger tank in general. It may be worth it to see these beauties flitting around your tank!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Large enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Fighting may occur

13. Giant Danio

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  • Scientific Name: Devario aequipinnatus
  • Adult Size: 4 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Thailand, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh

Giant Danios are the larger species of danio. They are peaceful, but active and confident as long as they have five or more of their own kind to swim with. This strength in numbers protect them from bullying. 

Giant Danios are usually bright gold, spotted with blue and covered in horizontal stripes running down to a forked tail. You can even find albino giant danios on the aquarium market!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Strength in numbers avoids injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting may occur

14. Tiger Barb

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  • Scientific Name: Barbus tetrazona
  • Adult Size: 3 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Easy
  • Origin: Sumatra, Borneo, Indonesia

Tiger Barbs are another little-known good tank mate, even for aggressive cichlids. This is because they are just fast and cocky enough to escape being bullied! They need others of their own kind to have this confidence, however. 

Tiger barbs, also called partbelt barbs, are a pretty salmon and peach color with striking black stripes, earning them their name. 

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • No food competition
  • Fast and strong in numbers to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Some fighting may occur

15. Clown Loach

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  • Scientific Name: Botia macracantha
  • Adult Size: 12 inches
  • Compatible With: Salvini Cichlid
  • Care Level: Medium difficulty
  • Origin: Indonesia

Anyone who has ever owned a school of clown loaches knows that the fun of watching them is well worth any trouble! They are peaceful by nature, and though they normally donโ€™t do well with aggressive fish like salvini cichlids, if you provide them with enough hiding places and six or more of their own kind, they should be fast enough to avoid trouble. 

These fish are bright orange with black stripes and scissor tails, built for speed. They even have little whiskers, like most loaches!

Pros of keeping with Salvini Cichlid:

  • Fast enough to avoid injury

Cons of keeping with Salvini Cichlid :

  • Require hiding places
  • Sensitive to light

In Conclusion

To sum up all that weโ€™ve learned, the 15 best salvini cichlid tank mates are fish that can stand up to the other cichlidโ€™s bullying or be too large to start fights by comparison! Some of these include other cichlids, such as the convict cichlid or the blood parrot cichlid, but others are clown loaches, which are small but fast enough to avoid trouble. 

Select one of the fish from the list above and you wonโ€™t have to let your bossy salvini cichlid keep you from having a full aquarium community!

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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