By visiting FishLab, viewing our content, attending or viewing any of our events or programs and/or using any of our services, you acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy.
What Does This Privacy Policy Cover?
This Privacy Policy is part the FishLab Terms of Service and covers the treatment of user information, including Personally Identifiable Information (defined below), obtained by FishLab, including information obtained when you access or log in to FishLab, and/or register for content, webinars, or the forum provided by FishLab.
This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that FishLab does not own or control, or to individuals whom FishLab does not employ or manage, including any of the third parties to which FishLab may disclose user information as set forth in this Policy.
What Types of User Information Does FishLab Obtain?
FishLab may obtain the following types of information from you or concerning your computer or device (“Information”), which may include information that can be used to identify you as specified below (“Personally Identifiable Information”):
- Name
- Email Address
- Mailing Address
- Telephone Number(s)
- Credit Card Information
- Blog or Website URL
- Social Networking Handle or Username
- Photo
- Demographic Information (e.g., age, gender, interests, and preferences)
- Professional Title
- Company
- Industry
- Activities or Content Viewed on FishLab
- Information Collected Automatically detailed below
- Information Received from Third Parties, detailed below
In certain cases, we may request that you provide some of the Information identified above in order to obtain specific products or services. If you choose not to provide the Information we request, you may still use FishLab, but you may be unable to access certain features or services.
When you register to receive any products or services from FishLab or provide information to FishLab in any other manner, you agree to provide only true, accurate, current and complete information
Information Collected Automatically
FishLab may automatically receive and log certain types of information when you visit or interact with our websites, services, mobile applications or other products, including:
- Browser Information
- Operating System Information
- Mobile Device Information (e.g., device identifier, mobile operating system, etc.)
- IP Address
- Internet Service Provider
- Content Viewed
- Geographic Location
- Connection Speed
- Time of Visit
- Referring Site, Application, or Service
- Registration Time
Information Received From Third Parties
Events and Webinars
If you register for events or webinars provided by FishLab, we may receive Information about you from the service providers that host or process registration for these programs or that provide other services to support these programs (such as technical support), which may include certain Personally Identifying Information identified above.
Third Party Websites/Social Networking Sites
If you choose to use any third party website or service that is integrated with FishLab, including a third party social networking or blogging site, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or WordPress (“Third Party Websites”) – or if you use any FishLab application provided through any Third Party Website – we may receive Information, including Personally Identifying Information, from such Third Party Websites, including, but not limited to:
- Name
- Nickname or Username
- Photo or Graphic Avatar
- Unique Third Party Website Identifier (e.g., Facebook User ID)
- Biographical or Demographic Information (e.g. professional title, gender, college attended, etc.)
- Likes and Interests
- Contacts/Friends/Associations
- Any Information That Is Publicly Available on Third Party Websites
For example, FishLab may offer the ability to use certain Third Party Websites to facilitate your registration on FishLab. We may also use information about your profile and connections on Third Party Websites to allow you to share or connect with your friends and contacts on FishLab or to personalize your experience. In addition, FishLab offers “plug ins” and “widgets” from various Third Party Websites that allow you to share FishLab content off of our service, as discussed in “Disclosure of Information to Third Parties”.
Your decision to use, or share with, a Third Party Website when accessing or using FishLab products and services is completely voluntary. FishLab is not responsible for compliance with the policies or practices of any Third Party Website. You should ensure that you are comfortable with the information such Third Party Websites may make available to FishLab by reviewing those Websites’ privacy policies and service terms, and by modifying your privacy settings and preferences on those Services.
Any information we receive from Third Party Websites will be governed by this Privacy Policy.
How Do We Use This Information?
We use the Information we obtain from or concerning you or your computer or device to provide FishLab products and services, fulfill your requests, improve our products and services, personalize and tailor your experience on FishLab, operate our business, and understand how users are engaging with FishLab.
In addition, we may use Information from or concerning you or your computer or device to facilitate the delivery of content or advertisements that we believe may be of interest to you, or to communicate with you about new or existing products and services or special offers. For example, we may periodically send promotional materials or notifications related to our products and services to the email address associated with your account.
FishLab’s Use of Cookies
FishLab may place “cookies” on your computer or device that may contain anonymous Information that is associated with you. Cookies are small text files a website uses to recognize users, and are typically placed on your hard disk by a web server. Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server in the domain (here, FishLab) that issued the cookie to you or that, in some cases, can be read by a third party domain.
Our cookies may record Information about your use of FishLab so that we can provide a continuous and more personalized experience for you, including for one or more of the following purposes: to help identify visitors; assess usage patterns; identify preferences; control the display of ads; diagnose problems with our servers; gather demographic information; analyze trends and usage patterns; conduct research; deliver editorial content; record registration and personalized information; and otherwise administer FishLab products and services.
If you do not wish to have FishLab place and use cookies on your computer, you should set your browser preferences to refuse cookies before accessing FishLab. FishLab is not responsible for any failure by you or your browser to accurately implement or communicate your browser preferences or settings. If you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to sign in or use other interactive features of FishLab that depend on cookies.
FishLab does not control and is not responsible for the use of cookies by its third party partners or advertisers. The use of cookies by some of these third parties is discussed below (see “Analytics Services”).
Reviewing and Modifying Your Personally Identifying Information
We offer several ways for you to update Personally Identifying Information that is obtained and stored by FishLab, or to change your account preferences on FishLab:
- If you have an online account with FishLab you can update or change your account information by using our contact form
- You may unsubscribe to any of our e-mail updates or products by following the unsubscribe instructions in the body of any message (see “Email or Text Message Communications”
- You may contact us by using our contact form
Disclosure of Information to Third Parties
FishLab may disclose Information (including Personally Identifying Information) from or concerning you or your computer or device to third parties in the circumstances described below. By visiting, accessing, attending or using FishLab’s products, services or events, you consent to the disclosure of your Information to certain categories of third parties in the manner described below. This Privacy Policy does not apply to the policies or practices of any of these third parties.
Service Providers
FishLab relies on third party vendors and service providers to provide support and assistance for its products, services and events (“Service Providers”), and we may disclose your Information (including Personally Identifying Information) to these Service Providers to the extent necessary to support our products, services or events, or as otherwise set forth below.
Web Hosts
FishLab website services are hosted by Bluehost, an enterprise webhosting platform. All Information obtained and stored by FishLab’s websites ( see “What Types of User Information Does FishLab Obtain?”) is processed and stored on servers that are owned and operated by Bluehost.
Third Party Sponsors
If you have elected to register for one of our sponsored webinars or events, or to access research or content from FishLab, we may share your Information (including Personally Identifying Information) with business partner(s) and/or sponsor(s) of the webinar, event, research and/or content. You agree that these sponsor(s) and/or business partner(s) may use your Personally Identifying Information to contact you to provide additional information about their products or services.
Third Party Websites
FishLab offers the ability to share FishLab content on Third Party Websites, including social networking and blogging services such as LinkedIn or Facebook, through “plugins” or “widgets” (such as LinkedIn’s “in” button or Facebook’s “Like” button). When you elect to share content and information with others on Third Party Websites, FishLab may transmit your Information (including Personally Identifying Information) to such Third Party Websites. This Information may be visible on the Third Party Website to anyone who has access to that content or Information. Your decision to share information in this manner is completely voluntary. You should ensure that you are comfortable with how Third Party Websites may share your Information by reviewing their privacy policies and/or modifying your privacy settings directly on those Third Party Websites.
URL/Referrer Header Information
When you visit FishLab websites, certain information about the content or activities you have engaged in on FishLab may be reflected in the Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) for the page you are viewing on FishLab (i.e., the Internet “address,” commonly displayed in the browser window). For example, the date or title of an article you are viewing may appear in the URL for that page. In addition, if you are logged into a FishLab account, certain account information (may be visible in the URL when you visit your account on FishLab. If you leave FishLab to visit a third party website, including when you click on an advertisement or link or when you share information through a social plug-in (like the Linked In “in” button), the information contained in the URL may be transmitted to the third party website by your browser.
Law Enforcement/Legal Process
We may disclose your Information (including Personally Identifying Information) when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to comply with any law, regulation or legal request; enforce, apply, or investigate breaches of our terms of use and other agreements; respond to public requests; or protect the rights, property, user experience or safety of FishLab, our employees, our users, or others. This can include exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.
Comments and Public Posts; Sharing on Third-Party Websites
FishLab encourages active participation by users, including through comments on FishLab. However, please be aware that if you voluntarily disclose Information, personal or otherwise, on FishLab, that Information can be viewed, collected and used by others, including other users, search engines, advertisers, third party applications developers, and anyone with access to FishLab has no control over the use, collection or disclosure of any Information that you post publicly on FishLab.
Change of Control
If FishLab, or substantially all of its assets, is acquired by another company or party, user Information will be one of the assets transferred or acquired by the purchaser. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any purchaser of FishLab or its assets may continue to collect, use and disclose your Information as set forth in this Policy.
Third-Party Advertising on FishLab
FishLab may allow third party advertising serving companies, including ad networks (“Advertisers”), to display advertisements or provide other advertising services on FishLab. These third party Advertisers may use techniques other than HTTP cookies to recognize your computer or device and/or to collect and record demographic and other Information about you, including your activities on or off FishLab. These techniques may be used directly on FishLab. Please keep in mind that your web browser may not permit you to block the use of these techniques, and that browser settings that block conventional cookies may have no effect on such techniques.
Advertisers may use the information collected to display advertisements that are tailored to your interests or background and/or associate such information with your subsequent visits, purchases or other activities on other websites. Advertisers may also share this information with their clients or other third parties.
FishLab has no responsibility for the technologies, tools or practices of the Advertisers that provide advertising and related services on FishLab . This Privacy Policy does not cover any collection, use or disclosure of Information by Advertisers who provide advertising and related services on FishLab. These Advertisers’ information gathering practices, including their policies regarding the use of cookies and other tracking technologies, are governed entirely by their own privacy policies, not this one.
FishLab currently may be using one or more of the following Advertisers to provide advertising and related services on FishLab. If you would like to know about their information gathering and privacy practices, please visit the links below
FishLab uses the Standard Terms and Conditions set forth by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB). See Standard Terms and Conditions
Analytics Services
In addition, FishLab uses third party analytics providers and products to obtain, compile and analyze Information (that may include Personally Identifying Information) about how users are using and interacting with FishLab. FishLab may provide Information (including Personally Identifying Information) to these analytics providers for the purpose of obtaining statistics and other information about how users are using and interacting with FishLab. These analytics providers may use tracking techniques other than HTTP cookies to recognize your computer or device and/or to collect or compile this information. These techniques may be used directly on FishLab. FishLab has no responsibility for the technologies, tools or practices of the third parties that providing analytics products and services to FishLab. Please also keep in mind that your web browser may not permit you to block the use of these techniques, and that browser settings that block conventional cookies may have no effect on such techniques.
Security and Protection of Personally Identifying Information
We have implemented reasonable security measures and practices in an effort to protect the confidentiality of your Personally Identifying Information (other than Personally Identifying Information that you have elected to disclose to others). However, no security system is impenetrable. It may be possible for third parties to intercept or access information you provide to FishLab. FishLab cannot guarantee the security of your Personally Identifying Information, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to FishLab. It is important for you to protect against unauthorized access to your password(s) and computer or device, and to log off when using any shared computer.
Email or Text Message Communications
We may contact you by e-mail, text message or other equivalent electronic communications if you access FishLab products or services or register for events, webinars or other content or services provided by FishLab. By visiting or using FishLab content, products or services, or registering for or attending FishLab events or webinars, you specifically consent to the receipt of these e-mail or text message communications. If you do not want to receive emails, text messages or other communications from us, please notify us by email throughOur contact form and include sufficient information for us to identify your account, including your Name, Email Address (or Cellphone Number) and the specifics of your request. If you unsubscribe, FishLab may still contact you via email or text message for administrative purposes or concerning any products, services or events for which you have registered or are using.
Affiliate Disclosure is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Display Ads
The Website uses Mediavine to manage all third-party advertising on the Website. Mediavine serves content and advertisements when you visit the Website, which may use cookies. Mediavine may collect IP addresses and location to serve personalized ads. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices to opt-in or opt-out of this data collection, please visit:
Changes to the Privacy Policy
FishLab retains the discretion to amend or modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. Use and disclosure of Information we obtain is subject to the later of: (1) the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such Information is collected or (2) any subsequent Privacy Policy of which you have notice. If we make material changes to the way we collect, use or disclose Personally Identifying Information, we will notify you by posting a clear and prominent announcement on FishLab or through a direct communication. Your continued access to or use of FishLab following notice of material changes to this Privacy Policy shall constitute consent to any amendments and/or modifications. Your use of FishLab is entirely voluntary, and you may discontinue use of FishLab at any time.
How to Contact Us
FishLab welcomes any questions or comments you may have regarding this Privacy Policy or its implementation. Any such questions or comments should be submitted via our contact form We will undertake reasonable efforts to resolve or address your concern.
Effective Date of this Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is effective as of September, 1, 2019.
Mediavine Programmatic Advertising (Ver 1.1)
The Website works with Mediavine to manage third-party interest-based advertising appearing on the Website. Mediavine serves content and advertisements when you visit the Website, which may use first and third-party cookies. A cookie is a small text file which is sent to your computer or mobile device (referred to in this policy as a “device”) by the web server so that a website can remember some information about your browsing activity on the Website.First party cookies are created by the website that you are visiting. A third-party cookie is frequently used in behavioral advertising and analytics and is created by a domain other than the website you are visiting. Third-party cookies, tags, pixels, beacons and other similar technologies (collectively, “Tags”) may be placed on the Website to monitor interaction with advertising content and to target and optimize advertising. Each internet browser has functionality so that you can block both first and third-party cookies and clear your browser’s cache. The "help" feature of the menu bar on most browsers will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, how to receive notification of new cookies, how to disable existing cookies and how to clear your browser’s cache. For more information about cookies and how to disable them, you can consult the information at All About Cookies.Without cookies you may not be able to take full advantage of the Website content and features. Please note that rejecting cookies does not mean that you will no longer see ads when you visit our Site. In the event you opt-out, you will still see non-personalized advertisements on the Website.The Website collects the following data using a cookie when serving personalized ads:
- IP Address
- Operating System type
- Operating System version
- Device Type
- Language of the website
- Web browser type
- Email (in hashed form)
Mediavine partners with the following data processors:
- Pubmatic. You may find Pubmatic’s privacy policythrough this link. The data collected on the Website may be transferred to Pubmatic and its demand partners for interest-based advertising. Statistical information and other non-cookie technologies (such as eTags and web or browser cache) may be used by third parties on this Website. Browser settings that block cookies may have no effect on these technologies, but you may clear your cache to delete such trackers. Data collected from a particular browser or device may be used with another computer or device that is linked to the browser or device on which such data was collected.
- Criteo. You may find Criteo’s privacy policythrough this link. The data collected on the Website may be transferred to Criteo and its demand partners for interest-based advertising. Criteo may collect, access, and use non-identifying data to improve the Criteo Technology and other Criteo products, programs, and/or services. This non-identifying data may include on-site user behavior and user/page content data, URLs, statistics, or internal search queries. The non-identifying data are collected through the ad call and stored with a Criteo cookie for a maximum period of 13 months.
- Pulsepoint. You may find Pulsepoint’s privacy policythrough this link.
- LiveRamp. You may find LiveRamp’s privacy policythrough this link. When you use the Website, we share information that we may collect from you, such as your email (in hashed, de-identified form), IP address or information about your browser or operating system, with LiveRamp Inc, and its group companies (‘LiveRamp’). LiveRamp may use a cookie on your browser and match your shared information to their on- and offline marketing databases and those of its advertising partners to create a link between your browser and information in those other databases. This link may be shared by our partners globally for the purpose of enabling interest-based content or advertising throughout your online experience (e.g. cross device, web, email, in-app, etc.) by third parties unaffiliated with our website. These third parties may in turn link further demographic or interest-based information to your browser. To opt out of LiveRamp’s targeted advertising, please go here:
- RhythmOne. You may view RhythmOne’s privacy policythrough this link. RhythmOne uses cookies and similar tracking technologies (such as mobile device identifiers and digital fingerprinting) to provide its services. RhythmOne may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please visit the following webpage:
- District M. You may find District M’s privacy policythrough this link.
- YieldMo. You may find YieldMo’s privacy policythrough this link. If you want to opt out of receiving interest based ads from Yieldmo or exercise your right under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) to opt-out of the sale of your personal information, you may do so through this link.
- The Rubicon Project. You may find Rubicon’s privacy policythrough this link. If you want to opt out of receiving interest based ads from Rubicon or exercise your right under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) to opt-out of the sale of your personal information, you may do so through this link. You may also utilize the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page, or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page.
- Amazon Publisher Services. You may find Amazon Publisher Services’ privacy policythrough this link.
- AppNexus. You may find the AppNexus privacy policy through this link.
- OpenX. You may find OpenX’s privacy policythrough this link.
- Verizon Media formerly known as Oath. You may find Verizon Media’s privacy policy through this link. You may also utilize the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page, or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out pageto opt-out of the use of cookies for interest-based advertising.
- TripleLift. You may find TripleLift’s privacy policy through this link. To opt out of receiving interest-based advertising (including retargeting) from TripleLift’s services through the use of cookies in your current browser and for more information on what it means to opt-out, please go to
- Index Exchange. You may find Index Exchange’s privacy policy through this link. You may also utilize the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page, or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page to opt-out of the use of cookies for interest-based advertising.
- Sovrn. You may find Sovrn’s privacy policy through this link.
- GumGum. You may find GumGum’s privacy policy through this link. GumGum may (i) use place and use cookies on end users’ browsers or use web beacons to collect information about end users who visit such Publisher Websites and (ii) link such collected end user information to other end user information provided by third parties in order to deliver targeted Advertisements to such end users.
- Digital Remedy. You may find Digital Remedy’s privacy policy through this link.
- MediaGrid. You may find MediaGrid’s privacy policythrough this link. MediaGrid may collect and store information about end-user interactions with this website through cookies, advertising IDS, pixels and server-to-server connections. MediaGrid was receive the following information: the page an End-User has requested and the referring/exit pages; Timestamp information (i.e., the date and time the End-User has visited the page); IP address; mobile device identifier; device model; device operating system; browser type; carrier; gender; age; geolocation (including GPS coordinates); clickstream data; cookie information; first-party identifiers’; and hashed email addresses; demographic and inferred interest information; and post-conversion data (from both online and offline behaviour). Some of this data is gathered from this website and others is gathered from advertisers. MediaGrid uses this data to provide its services. You may also utilize the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page, the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page, or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out page to opt-out of the use of cookies for interest-based advertising or review their privacy policy for more information.
- RevContent – You may find RevContent’s privacy policy through this link. RevContent may collect information about your browser or device, including browser type, IP Address, device type, user agent string, and operating system. RevContent also collects information about the websites you visit through their services, such as date and time of access and specific pages accessed and the content and ads you click on. You may opt-out of any personalization track by opting-out of RevContent’s data collection.
- Centro, Inc. – You may find Centro’s privacy policy through this link. You may find opt-out information for Centro’s services through the privacy policy link.
- 33Across, Inc. – You may find 33Across’s privacy policythrough this link. To opt-out of personalized advertising, please visit
- Conversant. LLC – You may find Conversant’s privacy policythrough this link. Conversant uses information that does not directly identify you, such as information about your browser type, time and date of visit, your browsing or transaction activity, the subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over, and a unique identifier (such as a cookie string, or a unique advertising identifier provided by your mobile device) during your visits to this and other websites and apps in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. Conversant may use technologies such as cookies and other tracking technologies to collect this information. To learn more about interest-based advertising, or to opt-out, you can visit or