Last update: June 4, 2024

15 Best Clownfish Tank Mates

Hey there, fellow fish enthusiasts!

Clownfish are stunning and incredibly popular in the aquarium trade. These active and energetic fish need plenty of space to move around, which makes choosing the right tank mates a bit of a challenge due to their unique behaviors.

In this guide, we’ll explore the 15 best tank mates for your clownfish. These include mandarinfish, red coris wrasse, yellow tang, pygmy angelfish, magnificent dartfish, damselfish, and basslets.

Keep reading to discover more about the best companions for your clownfish and learn what factors to consider before picking a tank mate for any fish. Happy reading! And donโ€™t miss my top recommendations for optimal aquarium care.

Clownfish Tank Mates โ€“ What You Need To Know

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Choosing a tank mate for a clownfish โ€“ or any fish for that matter, is an important decision, one that requires plenty of research. The species you plan on introducing to your aquarium may or may not be compatible with clownfish, so it is important to do your research beforehand.

Introducing tank mates without proper research can have potentially dangerous consequences in your aquarium. Here are a few factors you need to consider before introducing a tank mate for clownfish:


Clownfish are mostly social fish that can often get aggressive. A good tank mate for clownfish should be peaceful, hardy, and not aggressive. It should be able to get along well with clownfish and coexist with the species in harmony.


When it comes to size, tank mates for clownfish should ideally be smaller than them and should be non-aggressive. Clownfish do not get along well with fish that are larger than them and have an aggressive nature. So avoid introducing larger fish such as groupers or even other species of clownfish.


Tankmates for clownfish should not compete directly with the fish when it comes to territory and space. The reason for this is simple: clownfish are territorial and highly protective of their space.

Parameters ; Tank Setup

The tank parameters and conditions that a tank mate for clownfish needs will be different for every fish. While most tank mates require water temperatures between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the size of the tank needed can range from 20 gallons all the way up to 125 gallons.

Best clownfish tank mates

Here is a list of the top 15 tank mates for clownfish you can introduce to your aquarium.

Other popular posts:

1. Mandarinfish

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  • Scientific Name:  Synchiropus splendidus
  • Adult Size:  average mature length between 3 and 4 inches
  • Compatible with:  clownfish, dartfish, and gobies
  • Water Temperature:  72 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size:  30 gallons (for 1 fish)
  • Care Level:  Intermediate
  • Origin: Western Pacific Ocean

The Mandarinfish or the Mandarin Dragonet is a beautiful fish that can be one of the best tank mates for the clownfish. These fish are typically found in the Western Pacific Ocean and have a calm and peace-loving temperament.

Pros of keeping Mandarinfish with clownfish

  • Inhabit a different area of an aquarium compared to clownfish, so they donโ€™t fight with clownfish
  • They are peace-loving fish

Cons of keeping Mandarinfish with clownfish

  • Larger tanks are needed to keep clownfish with Mandarinfish

2. Red Coris Wrasse

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  • Scientific Name: Coris gaimard
  • Adult Size: average mature length around 12 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish, angelfish, and boxfish among others
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: around 100 gallons
  • Care Level: intermediate to difficult
  • Origin: waters in Southeast Asia and the central Pacific Ocean

The Red Coris Wrasse is another excellent fish that is a good tank mate for clownfish. The fish has a very unique appearance, with bright, multicolored bodies and tails. It is a carnivore and feeds primarily on small invertebrates.

Pros of keeping Red Coris Wrasse with clownfish

  • Feed on invertebrates and are less aggressive than clownfish

Cons of keeping Red Coris Wrasse with clownfish

  • No major cons, though red coris wrasse can be aggressive towards their own species

3. Yellow Tang

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  • Scientific Name: Zebrasoma flavescens
  • Adult Size: average mature length of 6 to 8 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish, wrasses, and large angelfish
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 50 gallons
  • Care Level: easy to intermediate
  • Origin: Southern and Central Pacific Ocean

The yellow tang is another fish that can be an excellent tank mate for clownfish. The fish has a very distinct appearance, with a yellow body that has a narrow, oval shape. These fish are mostly peaceful in nature but can get aggressive with other yellow tangs.

Pros of keeping Yellow Tang with clownfish

  • Clownfish have a very different appearance compared to yellow tangs, so the latter will ignore them and wonโ€™t be aggressive

Cons of keeping Yellow Tang with clownfish

  • Keeping clownfish and yellow tangs together requires a large tank

4. Pygmy Angelfish

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  • Scientific Name: Centropyge aurantonotus
  • Adult Size: average mature length of up to 3 inches
  • Compatible with: larger fish of different species
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 55 gallons
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: tropical and subtropical parts of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans

The pygmy angelfish is yet another choice for a tank mate for clownfish. The fish is small in size (around 2 to 3 inches in length) and has an aggressive temperament. Pygmy angelfish fight among themselves but donโ€™t bother larger fish, such as clownfish.

Pros of keeping Pygmy Angelfish with clownfish

  • Usually avoids clownfish due to their relatively large size

Cons of keeping Pygmy Angelfish with clownfish

  • No problems with clownfish, though a pygmy angelfish fights a lot with its own species

5. Magnificent Dartfish

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  • Scientific Name: Nemateleotris magnifica
  • Adult Size: average length is around 3 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish and shrimp gobies
  • Water Temperature:  72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size:  20 gallons
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Indo-Pacific waters

Magnificent dartfish can make excellent tank mates for clownfish. Due to their smaller size, they can coexist peacefully with the latter although they tend to become aggressive with their own species. One thing to note here is that some aggressive species of clownfish may prey on magnificent dartfish.

Pros of keeping magnificent dartfish with clownfish

  • Dartfish are smaller than clownfish, so they can live peacefully with them

Cons of keeping magnificent dartfish with clownfish

  • Some aggressive species of clownfish may prey on dartfish

6. Damselfish

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  • Scientific Name: Pomacentridae
  • Adult Size: average length of up to 6 inches           
  • Compatible with: dartfish, clownfish, puffers, and gobies
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 40 gallons
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: tropical waters, in coral reefs, such as coral reefs in the Indo-West Pacific region

Damselfish make good tank mates for clownfish. They are usually peaceful toward clownfish but are typically aggressive toward their own species. To keep clownfish and damselfish together peacefully, a medium or large tank is needed.

Pros of keeping Damselfish with clownfish

  • Can coexist peacefully with clownfish

Cons of keeping Damselfish with clownfish

7. Basslets 

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  • Scientific Name: Grammatidae
  • Adult Size: average length of up to 3 inches
  • Compatible with: peaceful, non-aggressive species
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: tropical waters of the Atlantic Ocean

If you want a small, peace-loving fish to serve as a tank mate for clownfish, you canโ€™t go wrong with a basslet. Basslets are small, peaceful creatures that can live in harmony with clownfish.

Pros of keeping Basslets with clownfish

  • Can coexist peacefully with clownfish due to their peaceful nature

Cons of keeping Basslets with clownfish

  • Introducing other larger, more aggressive species can make basslets stressed
  • No other cons of keeping them with clownfish

8. Royal Dottyback

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  • Scientific Name: Pictichromis paccagnella
  • Adult Size: average length of 3 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish, angelfish, and wrasses
  • Water Temperature: around 75 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: Western Pacific Ocean

The royal dottyback is yet another fish that can make a good tank mate for clownfish. The fish has an average adult length of 3 inches and has a very distinct purple and yellow body. Despite its small size, the fish is highly aggressive and territorial though it can coexist well with clownfish.

Pros of keeping royal dottyback with clownfish

  • Despite its territorial nature, the royal dottyback can live peacefully with clownfish

Cons of keeping royal dottyback with clownfish

  • No major cons

9. Banggai cardinalfish

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  • Scientific Name: Pterapogon kauderni
  • Adult Size: around 3 inches in length on average
  • Compatible with: peaceful species; it is considered safe for reef tanks
  • Water Temperature: 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 30 gallons
  • Care Level: easy to intermediate
  • Origin: Indo-Pacific waters

The Banggai cardinalfish can be a good tank mate for clownfish. The fish is mostly peaceful when it comes to behavior, though it can be aggressive towards its own species. With an average length of around 3 inches, it can live in harmony with clownfish.

Pros of keeping Banggai cardinalfish with clownfish

  • Can live peacefully with clownfish and is not aggressive toward them

Cons of keeping Banggai cardinalfish with clownfish

  • No major cons

10. Butterflyfish

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  • Scientific Name: Chaetodontidae
  • Adult Size: can grow up to 8 inches in length
  • Compatible with: clownfish, barbs, cichlids, catfish, etc.
  • Water Temperature: 73 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 75 to 125 gallons
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: typically found on reefs of the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans

A butterfly fish is yet another fish that can make a good tank mate for clownfish. The exotic and beautiful fish can grow up to 8 inches in length and is typically found in coral reefs in the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific oceans.

Pros of keeping Butterflyfish with clownfish

  • Can coexist peacefully with clownfish

Cons of keeping Butterflyfish with clownfish

  • No major cons, though larger tanks are needed since butterflyfish need plenty of space for swimming

11. Tailspot blenny

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  • Scientific Name: Ecsenius stigmatura
  • Adult Size: average length of 2 to 2.5 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish and chromis
  • Water Temperature: 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Western Pacific Ocean

The tailspot blenny is a fish that is typically found in the Western Pacific Ocean. It can make a great tank mate for clownfish. The fish has a peaceful temperament and is not usually aggressive. Moreover, it is easy to care for when kept in an aquarium.

Pros of keeping tailspot blenny with clownfish

  • Is a peace-loving fish that gets along well with clownfish
  • Not usually aggressive

Cons of keeping tailspot blenny with clownfish

  • Tailspot blennies can get aggressive if other fish invade their territory

12. Neon Goby

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  • Scientific Name: Elacatinus oceanops
  • Adult Size: around 2 inches in length on average
  • Compatible with: clownfish, firefish goby, and yellow tangs,
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: typically found in the Caribbean Sea

The neon goby is a peace-loving fish that can serve as an excellent tank mate for clownfish. With an average length of 2 inches, the fish is small in size and is easy to care for.

Pros of keeping neon goby with clownfish

  • Peace-loving fish that get along well with most other species
  • Are especially well-suited as tank mates for clownfish

Cons of keeping neon goby with clownfish

  • No major cons

13. Flame hawkfish

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  • Scientific Name: Neocirrhitus armatus
  • Adult Size: average length is around 3 to 3.5 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish, lionfish, groupers, and angelfish
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 40 gallons
  • Care Level: intermediate
  • Origin: Western Pacific Ocean

The flame hawkfish is a small fish found in the tropical reefs of the Pacific Ocean. With an average length ranging from 3 to 3.5 inches, the fish can serve as a good tank mate for clownfish. It gets along well with other species as well, though it can become aggressive if its territory is invaded.

Pros of keeping flame hawkfish with clownfish

  • Gets along well with clownfish

Cons of keeping flame hawkfish with clownfish

  • Need plenty of space and can become aggressive when their territory is invaded

14. Pajama cardinalfish 

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  • Scientific Name: Sphaeramia nematoptera
  • Adult Size: average length of around 3 inches
  • Compatible with: clownfish, other species of cardinalfish, blennies, angelfish, and gobies
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 20 gallons
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Western Pacific Ocean

The pajama cardinalfish is a type of cardinalfish that has a bright, colorful body that looks like a rainbow of different colors. The fish is found in the waters of the Western Pacific Ocean and can grow up to an average length of 3 inches. It is very easy to care for and can serve as the perfect tank mate for clownfish.

Pros of keeping pajama cardinalfish with clownfish

  • Peaceful fish that gets along well with clownfish
  • Easy to care for

Cons of keeping pajama cardinalfish with clownfish

  • No major cons

15. Court Jester Goby

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  • Scientific Name: Amblygobius hectori
  • Adult Size: can grow up to 3 inches in length
  • Compatible with:  fish of similar temperament and size
  • Water Temperature: 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Minimum tank size: 10 gallons
  • Care Level: easy
  • Origin: Central and Western Pacific Ocean

The court jester goby is typically found at the bottom of coral reefs in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean. It can grow up to 3 inches in length and has a greenish-blue body with horizontal orange stripes. The fish has a very peaceful temperament and gets along well with most other species, making it the perfect tank mate for clownfish.

Pros of keeping court jester goby with clownfish

  • Peaceful nature
  • Gets along well with clownfish

Cons of keeping court jester goby with clownfish

  • Larger and more aggressive species may pick on court jester gobies

Final thoughts

Choosing a good tank mate for the clownfish in your aquarium requires a lot of consideration and research. Not all fish species can make good tank mates for your clownfish; only some of them are suitable choices.

In this guide, we looked at the 15 best clownfish tank mates you can introduce to your aquarium and explored their physical appearances, behavioral characteristics, and other properties in great detail. We hope you enjoyed reading it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we answer some other related questions you might have about clownfish tank mates.

Which fish are bad choices as tank mates for clownfish?

While clownfish get along well with many different fish species, some species are simply not suited as tank mates for them. These include lionfish, groupers, and other clownfish species.

What are the best tank mates for clownfish for a 20-gallon tank?

The best tank mates for clownfish for a 20-gallon tank include the magnificent dartfish, the tailspot blenny, and the pajama cardinalfish. These fish are small and donโ€™t need a lot of space to swim around. So smaller tanks will be fine.

What are the best tank mates for clownfish for a 55-gallon tank?

The best tank mates for clownfish for a 20-gallon tank include the pygmy angelfish, the yellow tang, the damselfish, and the flame hawkfish.

Don’t forget to check out my top recommendations for a healthy and safe aquatic space for your finned buddies:

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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