Angelfish are a popular choice for home aquariums due to their unique appearance and peaceful nature. However, many new owners may not be aware of the appropriate diet for these fish. Feeding angelfish a well-balanced diet is essential for their health and longevity.
Understanding these stunning aquatic companions is the first step to knowing what to feed angelfish. Angelfish are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter.
In their natural habitat, they feed on algae, small crustaceans, and insect larvae. In captivity, it’s important to replicate this diet as closely as possible to ensure proper nutrition.
The Diet of Angelfish A well-balanced diet for angelfish should consist of a variety of foods, including high-quality flakes or pellets, frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms, and fresh vegetables like zucchini or spinach.
It’s important to avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to health problems such as obesity and swim bladder disease.
Key Takeaways on What to Feed Angelfish
- Angelfish are omnivores and require a balanced diet of both plant and animal matter.
- A well-balanced diet for angelfish should include high-quality flakes or pellets, frozen or live foods, and fresh vegetables.
- Overfeeding can lead to health problems, so it’s important to feed angelfish in moderation.
Check out other dietary needs for your aquatic friends here:
Understanding Angelfish
Angelfish are a popular species of freshwater fish that are often kept in home aquariums by aquarists. These fish are known for their unique shape, which includes long fins that extend from their bodies.
Adult angelfish can grow up to six inches in length, and they come in a variety of colors and patterns. When it comes to behavior, angelfish are generally peaceful and can be kept with other freshwater fish.
However, they can become aggressive during the breeding season, so it’s important to keep an eye on their behavior during this time. Angelfish also prefer a well-planted aquarium with a substrate that is soft and sandy.
In terms of feeding, angelfish are omnivores and will eat both plant and animal matter. They require a balanced diet that includes both flakes and pellets, as well as live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms.
It’s important to avoid overfeeding angelfish, as this can lead to health problems such as obesity and swim bladder issues.
The Diet of Angelfish
Angelfish are omnivores, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. A balanced diet is essential to keep them healthy and happy. A diet that is high in protein is especially important for angelfish, as they require a lot of it to maintain their body and grow.
Some of the best foods to feed angelfish include:
- Brine shrimp
- Bloodworms
- Daphnia
- Spirulina flakes
- Pellets
These foods provide a good balance of nutrients and are high in protein. It is important to provide a varied diet to ensure that the angelfish receive all the necessary nutrients for their health.
Angelfish also enjoy eating live foods, such as insects and small crustaceans. These foods provide a lot of nutritional value and are a great addition to their diet.
However, it is important to ensure that any live food is free from harmful parasites and bacteria before feeding it to the angelfish.
It is recommended to feed angelfish small amounts of food several times a day, rather than one large meal. This will help to prevent overfeeding and ensure that the fish receive a balanced diet.
In summary, a varied and nutritious diet is essential for the health and well-being of angelfish. Providing a balance of protein and other nutrients through a variety of foods will help to keep them healthy and happy.
Types of Food for Angelfish
Angelfish are omnivorous and require a balanced diet to thrive. Here are some of the types of food that are suitable for angelfish:
1. Flake Food
Flake food is a staple diet for angelfish. It is readily available and contains a variety of nutrients that are essential for the fish. Flake food can be supplemented with other types of food to ensure a balanced diet.
2. Frozen Food
Frozen food is a good option for angelfish. It includes frozen bloodworms, mysis shrimp, and brine shrimp. Frozen food is rich in protein and is a great source of nutrition for angelfish.
3. Live Food
Live food is a great option for angelfish. It includes worms, crustaceans, and insects. Live food is rich in protein and nutrients and can help to keep the fish healthy.
4. Freeze-Dried Food
Freeze-dried food is a convenient option for angelfish. It includes freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and other types of food. Freeze-dried food is easy to store and can be used as a supplement to other types of food.
5. Vegetables
Angelfish can also eat plant-based foods such as zucchini, lettuce, peas, and cucumber. These foods are a good source of fiber and can help to keep the fish healthy.
Feeding Angelfish
Angelfish are omnivorous fish that require a balanced diet to maintain good health. They can be fed a variety of foods including flakes, pellets, frozen or live foods.
It is important to feed them the right amount of food at the right time to prevent overfeeding and ensure proper nutrition.
When feeding angelfish, it is recommended to feed them small amounts of food several times a day rather than one large meal. This helps to prevent overfeeding and ensures that the fish receive a consistent supply of nutrients throughout the day.
A good feeding schedule for angelfish is to feed them three to four times a day, with each feeding lasting no longer than 30 seconds.
When it comes to the amount of food to feed angelfish, a general rule of thumb is to feed them an amount that they can consume within 30 seconds.
Overfeeding can lead to health problems such as obesity, which can shorten the lifespan of the fish. Angelfish should also be fed a variety of foods to ensure that they receive a balanced diet.
In addition to flakes and pellets, angelfish can be fed frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia. These foods are high in protein and can help to promote growth and good health.
It is important to ensure that any live foods are properly cleaned and free of parasites before feeding them to the fish.
Special Considerations for Young and Adult Angelfish
When it comes to feeding young and adult angelfish, there are some special considerations to keep in mind.
Here are a few tips to help ensure that your angelfish are getting the nutrition they need:
- Fry: Angelfish fry have very small mouths and require food that is appropriately sized. Newly hatched brine shrimp or micro-worms are good options for feeding fry. As they grow, you can gradually introduce larger foods such as crushed flakes or small pellets.
- Growth: Young angelfish require more protein than adult angelfish to support their growth. A high-quality flake or pellet food that is specifically formulated for young fish is a good choice. You can also supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp or blood-worms.
- Young Angelfish: Young angelfish can be fed multiple times a day, but be sure to only give them small amounts at each feeding. Overfeeding can lead to health problems such as swim bladder issues.
- Angelfish Fry: Angelfish fry should be fed small amounts frequently throughout the day. As they grow, you can gradually reduce the frequency of feedings.
It’s important to remember that angelfish have a delicate digestive system, so it’s best to avoid feeding them foods that are high in fat or difficult to digest. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your angelfish are getting the nutrition they need to thrive.
Health Implications of Diet
The diet of angelfish can have significant health implications. A balanced diet is essential for maintaining the immune system and preventing health problems.
A poor diet can lead to a weakened immune system and make the fish more susceptible to diseases and infections.Overfeeding and feeding the wrong types of food can lead to constipation, which can cause serious health problems.
It is important to feed angelfish a varied diet that includes a mix of live, frozen, and dried foods. A diet that is high in protein and low in fiber can lead to constipation.
Feeding angelfish a diet that is too high in fat can also lead to health problems. High-fat diets can cause liver disease and other health problems. It is important to choose foods that are low in fat and high in protein.
Finally, it is essential to avoid feeding angelfish foods that are contaminated with bacteria or parasites. Contaminated food can cause serious health problems and even death.
It is important to purchase food from reputable sources and to store it properly to prevent contamination.
Avoiding Common Feeding Mistakes
Feeding angelfish is not a complicated task, but it does require some attention to detail. Here are some common feeding mistakes that you should avoid to keep your angelfish healthy and happy.
1. Overfeeding
One of the most common mistakes that angelfish owners make is overfeeding. Overfeeding can lead to uneaten food, which can cause water quality issues. It can also lead to obesity in the fish, which can cause health problems.
To avoid overfeeding, only feed your angelfish what they can eat in a few minutes. If there is any uneaten food after that time, remove it from the tank.
2. Uneaten Food
Uneaten food can cause water quality issues, as it can break down and release ammonia into the water. This can be harmful to your angelfish.
To avoid uneaten food, only feed your angelfish what they can eat in a few minutes. If there is any uneaten food after that time, remove it from the tank.
3. Water Quality
Water quality is crucial for the health of your angelfish. Poor water quality can lead to health problems, including fin rot and other diseases.
To maintain good water quality, make sure that you have a good filter system in place. Regular water changes are also essential to keep the water clean and healthy for your angelfish.
4. Filter
A good filter system is essential for maintaining good water quality in your angelfish tank. Make sure that you have a filter that is appropriate for the size of your tank and the number of fish that you have.
Regular maintenance of your filter is also important to ensure that it is working correctly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and replacing filter media.
5. Ammonia
Ammonia is a toxic substance that can build up in your tank if you do not maintain good water quality. Ammonia can cause health problems for your angelfish, including fin rot and other diseases.
To avoid ammonia buildup, make sure that you have a good filter system in place and that you perform regular water changes. Test your water regularly to monitor ammonia levels and take action if necessary.
By avoiding these common feeding mistakes, you can keep your angelfish healthy and happy.
Where to Buy Angelfish Food
When it comes to buying food for your angelfish, there are a few options available. Most pet stores carry a variety of fish food, including options specifically designed for angelfish.
These can be a convenient option, as they are readily available and often come in a range of sizes to suit different aquariums.
Another option is to purchase fish meal online. This can be a good choice if you are looking for a wider selection of food options, or if you are looking for specialty foods that may not be available at your local pet store.
Online retailers often offer a range of brands and types of food, and may also offer competitive pricing.
When purchasing angelfish food, it is important to choose a high-quality option that is specifically formulated for angelfish. Look for foods that are high in protein and contain a range of vitamins and minerals to help support the health and well-being of your fish.
It is also important to consider the size of your angelfish when choosing food. Smaller fish may require smaller pellets or flakes, while larger fish may require larger pellets or even frozen or live food options.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some good food options for angelfish?
Angelfish are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. Some good food options for angelfish include flakes, pellets, frozen or live brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and krill. It is important to provide a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition.
What are some recommended tank mates for angelfish?
Angelfish can be kept with many different types of fish, but it is important to choose tank mates that are compatible with their peaceful nature.
Some good tank mates for angelfish include tetras, rasboras, corydoras, and gouramis. Avoid keeping angelfish with aggressive or fin-nipping fish.
Is Hikari Angelfish food a good option for feeding my angelfish?
Hikari Angelfish food is a high-quality food that is specifically formulated for angelfish. It contains a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, and minerals to support the health of your fish.
Many angelfish owners have reported success with this food, but it is important to provide a varied diet to ensure proper nutrition.
What is the best food for angelfish fry?
Angelfish fry require small, frequent meals throughout the day. Some good food options for angelfish fry include newly hatched brine shrimp, microworms, and finely crushed flakes. It is important to provide small, easily digestible food to prevent overfeeding and water quality issues.
What is the best food for Altum angelfish?
Altum angelfish have a more specialized diet than other types of angelfish. They require a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Some good food options for Altum angelfish include frozen or live brine shrimp, bloodworms, and krill.
How long can angelfish live without food?
Angelfish can survive for several days without food, but it is not recommended to leave them without food for more than 3-4 days. It is important to provide your angelfish with a balanced diet to ensure their long-term health and well-being.
Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.