What are the best fish to keep with goldfish?
What kinds of fish can live in a tank with goldfish?
This blog post will look at the different types of fish that can be kept with goldfish and which ones make the best companions.
What Fish Can Live with Goldfish?
Goldfish are one of the most popular types of pet fish and for a good reason!
They’re relatively easy to care for, come in a wide variety of colors and shapes, and can live for a long time (10-15 years is not uncommon).
But what about goldfish tank mates? What other kinds of fish can live in a tank with goldfish without causing any problems?ย
Also, I recommend adding these essential products to transform your aquarium into a thriving aquatic paradise and ensure your goldfish and their companions enjoy a vibrant and healthy habitat:
Fish That Have a Peaceful Temperament
Goldfish are an excellent fish for the home aquarium. They can be found in many different colors, have an easy-going personality, and aren’t territorial like most fresh or saltwater creatures!
The only drawback is that they prefer to use all available space with their large size requirements (at least 5-10 gallons). Learn more here on the right tank size for your goldie and friends.
This could cause problems if you want more than one; however, you can solve this by installing decorations such as driftwood branches placed alongside glass surfaces, so your goldie doesn’t feel lonely during his daily swim.
Fish That Are Too Big to Get Eaten
Goldfish are great fish, but they don’t always mix well with other animals.
If you have small companion creatures in your tank, make sure that these arenโt mistaken for food! It’s best to keep larger-sized mates so as not to cause problems when it comes time to eat.
Fish That Also Require Low Temperatures
Goldfish are considered cold-water fish, but they still need relatively warm water to stay healthy.
The preferred temperature range for a goldfish is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 ยฐC). So make sure youโre paring your goldfish with others that donโt mind the chilly temperatures.
Are Goldfish Cannibals?
Goldfish are usually not aggressive or territorial by nature, but if their tanks get too crowded they can become stressed.
And stressed goldfish may behave unpredictably.
Goldfish eating each other happens only in the rarest of circumstances. In that case, it’s usually because goldfish are opportunistic feeders that have a bit of trouble with self-control; they’ll continually eat even if it is to their detriment.
Goldfish browse for food and eat mostly bite-sized pieces. They will eat their own eggs and even baby goldfish if they catch it.
Do Goldfish Eat Other Fish?
Goldfish are active fish but slow during feeding time; hence they do not chase prey nor can be seen as aggressive.
They eat plant matter too which is why you want to use only hardy plants like Java fern and Crinum Anubias in your tank.
However, when a goldfish’s appetite grows then they may otherwise eat any other food sources nearby making victims out of our poor little friends who live within a very close distance to their mouth.
To avoid this happening, you shouldn’t put smaller, slower fish with goldies.
22 of the Best Goldfish Tank Mates
Goldfish are a popular pet fish and for a good reason! They’re beautiful to look at, relatively easy to care for, and can live for a long time.
But if you’re thinking about keeping goldfish, you might be wondering what other fish they can live with. Goldfish are pretty big, and they have a reputation as messy eaters. So what are the best goldfish tank mates?
Zebra Danios
The Zebra Danios are a fast-moving, tiny fish that can easily tolerate the same temperature range as goldfish.
These pretty little pets have blue and yellow stripes running from nose to tail which gives them some extra flair in your tank, too, while making sure they stay hidden if you don’t want any attention drawn towards themselves through mating rituals or displays of strength like other aquarium inhabitants might do.
Giant Danios
The larger cousin of the Zebra Danio, Giants, has iridescent blue and yellow stripes that run along with their bodies.
They are much more aggressive than Zebras but can be kept in a group if needed with five or seven other individuals per school!
However, this means they may become stressed when there isn’t enough space for all these fish because competition will grow fierce between them – something you donโt want on your hands.
It’s also important not to provide too many meals at once; otherwise, it could lead to overfeeding, which has been known to contribute heavily to obesity among certain types such as this one.
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
White Cloud Mountain Minnows are another tiny fish that will rely on speed to avoid getting eaten by goldfish. This simple yet overlooked gem can thrive with similar temperature ranges as its more famous counterpart, but it’s hardy enough for those who love having variety at home!
The body of this underrated species has bright red fins and an iridescent stripe that runs from nose down past tail tip – giving them literally “the cloud” upon reflection.
These colors change depending on what angle you see them at. They also boast silver body coloration throughout; however, some might have a slight rosy hue along their sides too.
These little fish stay relatively small, only reaching about an inch or two in length when fully grown, perfect for those who don’t want something to take over their tank!
Bristlenose Catfish
The Bristlenose Catfish is an excellent addition to any goldfish tank because it helps keep the tank clean!
These little guys are scavengers and will eat just about anything, perfect for keeping your goldfish tank clean and tidy. And, as a bonus, they’re adorable to look at!
The Bristlenose Catfish is a small, brownish-black fish with a long, bristly nose. They’re peaceful by nature and will do well in a goldfish tank as long as there are many places to hide.
Corydoras Catfish
The Corydoras Catfish is another excellent option for goldfish tank mates. Like the Bristlenose Catfish, they’re scavengers and will help keep your tank clean.
The Corydoras Catfish is a small, brownish-black fish with a short nose.
Dojo Loach
While they’re not exactly an easy fish to keep, dojo loaches make great companions for goldfish.
They need at least 75 gallons of water per individual in your tank and should be marked with other same-sized mounts if you want them healthy enough to last long!
These bottom feeders can reach up to 1 foot (30 cm), providing plenty of space alongside these longer-bodied swimmers.
Banded Corydoras
The banded corydoras is a South American species of fish. It’s highly social and should be kept in groups of at least five, if possible!
The flat belly with a high sloped forehead makes them look cute while their barbels around the mouth help search for food on the bottom during eating time.
This type may prove difficult in live store environments because it can’t tolerate temperatures below 18 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they can get up to 4 inches long, which means their perfect sizewise to accompany goldfish!
Platies are typically tropical fish, but they can easily thrive in the low 70s with goldfish. They are thick-bodied and come in many different patterns/colors, making them very attractive to look at!
Platies are livebearers, which means that they give birth to young instead of laying eggs. They will readily breed in an aquarium, but adult fish usually eat the eggs unless moved somewhere separate where it’s safe from their appetites!
Hillstream Loach
Hillstream loaches are often confused with catfish but come from the family Balitoridae and can make an excellent tank mate for your goldfish.
They have several unique features that set them apart as well; their natural habitat consists mainly of shallow streams where they live at lower temperatures than most other fish species, so this is something you should keep in mind when choosing which type to buy!
Hog-Nosed Brochis
The hog-nosed bronchitis is a tropical fish that can handle low temperatures. They live in water as cold as 70ยฐF, so they’re not going to hurt your goldfish!
The unique thick-set body and large size of this corydoras make it safe for tank mates like common Corys or other small types of tanks, but there are some essential things you should know before adding one into the aquarium:
- They’ve been known to eat smaller goldfish, so if you’re going to add one into the tank, make sure your goldfish is not too small.
- They love to live in groups, so we recommend not keeping them as goldfish companions unless you have at least 3-to five other hog-nosed bronchitis.
Bristlenose Pleco
The bristlenose plecostomina is a bottom-feeder that specializes in algal snacks. They have long whiskers and plate-like scutes on their bodies to protect them from potential predators or bully fish in the neighborhood, but there are more exotic types!
Itโs commonly thought that goldfish and plecos don’t get along. That’s a myth! There are stories of the two fighting, but this is often due to owners not providing enough food for their fish. As long as you have some algae wafers or blacked veggies available in your tank, sinking pellets will help keep them healthy.
One study found that goldfish and plecos can help keep each other clean; the goldfish will eat any algae off the pleco’s body, while the pleco will do the same for the goldfish! So, if you’re looking for a low-maintenance tank mate, this might be the perfect option for you.
Albino Corydoras
The albino corydoras is a popular freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
They’re peaceful by nature and make good goldfish tank mates because they won’t bother your goldfish or try to eat them. Keeping in mind that they prefer to live in groups, we recommend keeping at least 3.
Rubber nose Pleco
This freshwater fish is just as harmless, but it does have an exciting name! These little guys can grow up to 6 inches long and spend most of their time grazing on algae.
They aren’t known for being aggressive towards other tanks inhabitants. They’re typically very peaceful unless you bother them first with rough treatment like netting or mating rituals (which we donโt recommend).
Their scientific names? Well, that would be โPlecothamnus Numularius.”
Hope Catfish
This beautiful fish has appealing markings, peaceful nature, and the ability to adapt to varying water conditions.
Compared with other freshwater catfish, it feeds during the daytime, so you get plenty of viewing pleasure if thatโs your kind of thing.
Rosy Barb
Whatโs not to love about Rosy Barbs? These colorful freshwater fish have a gorgeous reddish-pink hue that complements the fish nicely.
Best of all, they’re peaceful and can get along with most like-minded fellow aquarium inhabitants!
The only drawback here is shoaling behavior – but this doesn’t seem too much trouble for such social creatures who stay in groups of at least five individuals without any problem whatsoever (even though it might be easier said than done).
Cherry Shrimp
The cherry shrimp is an excellent alternative to fish. It occupies the bottom of the water column and spends most of its day scavenging for food, making it an ideal candidate for your next aquarium pet!
In addition, this particular species has a vibrant red body color that makes them easy to spot in any tank environment – adding tons of unique colors and making itself scarce enough so other goldfish won’t consider eating it.
Mystery Snail
Mystery snails are not always at the top of peopleโs list for tank mates, but they can add some fun personality to your goldfish tank. They’re a super cute look at and offer real busybodies in tanks; Mystery snails adapt well across a wide range of water conditions.
These little guys will eat up anything you leave behind–even organic waste, which is excellent because it helps keep your goldfish tank clean.
The only thing you need to be careful about is making sure they have enough calcium in their diet, so their shells stay healthy & solid – other than that, these hardy creatures make ideal goldfish tank mates!
Otocinclus Catfish
The Otocinclus catfish is a small freshwater fish often kept in aquariums. They’re peaceful by nature and make good goldfish tank mates because they won’t bother your goldfish or try to eat them.
Keeping in mind is that they prefer to live in groups, so we recommend keeping at least 3.
Harlequin Rasbora
If you’re looking for a school of colorful fish to add to your goldfish tank, then look no further than the Harlequin Rasbora!
These little fish are peaceful, active, and make excellent goldfish tank mates.
Pangasius Catfish
The Pangasius catfish is a large freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
They’re peaceful by nature and make good goldfish tank mates because they won’t bother your goldfish or try to eat them.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that they’re bottom-dwellers, so they may eat any food that falls to the bottom of the tank.
Black Molly
The Black Molly is a peaceful freshwater fish often kept in aquariums.
They can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making them good goldfish tank mates.
Guppies are one of the most popular freshwater fish kept in aquariums. They’re peaceful by nature and make good goldfish tank mates.
One thing to keep in mind is that they’re livebearers so they will have babies from time to time. If you don’t want babies, you’ll need to remove the males from the tank.
Final Word on The Best Goldfish Tank Mates
Goldfish are a hardy species that can thrive in various tank mates, but it is essential to choose wisely to ensure the health and well-being of both fish.
By taking into account the personality and needs of your goldfish, you can select tank mates that will make for a healthy and happy aquarium.
Have you chosen suitable tank mates for your goldfish?
Ian Sterling, founder of Fishlab.com, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website, Fishlab.com, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.