Last update: April 17, 2024

100+ Best Jelly Fish Names -The Ultimate List

While managing fish, crabs, shrimps, lobsters, and coral is quite a typical affair for aquarists, as a fish keeper, introducing jellyfish into your aquarium adds a unique twist to your underwater world! Thatโ€™s mostly because jellyfish keeping is a different ball game, as you have to approach handling and catering to them differently than other marine life. 

Still, if youโ€™re keen on keeping these tentacled wonders in your tank, have you ever thought of what to call them? After all, you should name your pets if you want to have a special bond with them.

Well, donโ€™t fret! When it comes to giving these mesmerizing creatures a name, weโ€™re the best in the gameโ€”weโ€™ve tailored todayโ€™s collection of names for your pet jellyfish. Check them out!

You might also like our vast collection of fish names:

Jelly Fish Names for Girls

white spotted jellyfish phyllorhiza punctata 2023 11 27 05 03 25 utc
White-spotted jellyfish

Can you tell if your jellyfish is a girl? You can, and weโ€™ve got just the name for your female gelatinous pal. Here are 50 names for your graceful aquatic lady and their meanings. 

1. Aurora – Goddess of dawn

2. Bella – Beautiful

3. Celeste – Heavenly

4. Dahlia – Elegant flower

5. Evelyn – Wished -for child

6. Fiona – Fair

7. Giselle – Pledge

8. Harmony – Perfect unity

9. Iris – Rainbow

10. Jasmine – Gift from God

11. Kiara – Light

12. Luna – Moon

13. Mila – Gracious, dear

14. Nora – Honor

15. Olivia – Olive tree

16. Penelope – Weaver

17. Quinn – Wise

18. Rose – A flower

19. Sophia – Wisdom

20. Talia – Dew from heaven

21. Uma – Tranquility

22. Vera – Faith

23. Willow – Slender, graceful

24. Xena – Hospitable

25. Yara – Small butterfly

26. Zara – Princess

27. Amara – Grace

28. Bianca – White

29. Clara – Bright, clear

30. Diana – Divine

31. Elara – A moon of Jupiter

32. Freya – Noblewoman

33. Gemma – Jewel

34. Hazel – Wise

35. Ivy – Fidelity

36. Juliet – Youthful

37. Kyla – Beautiful

38. Leila – Night

39. Maeve – She who intoxicates

40. Nina – Dreamer

41. Ophelia – Help

42. Piper – Pipe player

43. Quincy – Fifth -born

44. Ruby – Precious stone

45. Stella – Star

46. Tessa – Harvester

47. Ursula – Little bear

48. Violet – Purple flower

49. Winnie – Gentle friend

50. Xanthe – Golden

Jelly Fish Names for Boys

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If youโ€™ve got a male jellyfish in your tank, you certainly want a name that evokes a manly aura. Check out this list of 50 names for your aquatic gentleman and their meanings:

1. Atlas – Supporter

2. Bruno – Brown

3. Casper – Treasurer

4. Dexter – Skillful

5. Ethan – Strong, firm

6. Felix – Happy, lucky

7. Gideon – Great warrior

8. Hugo – Mind, intellect

9. Ivan – God is gracious

10. Jasper – Treasurer

11. Kai – Sea

12. Leo – Lion

13. Milo – Gracious

14. Nolan – Champion

15. Orion – Son of fire

16. Phoenix – Mystical bird

17. Quentin – Fifth

18. Rex – King

19. Silas – Of the forest

20. Theo – Divine gift

21. Ulysses – Wrathful

22. Vince – Conquering

23. Wyatt – Brave in war

24. Xander – Defender of man

25. Yuri – Farmer

26. Zane – Gift from God

27. Aidan – Fiery

28. Blake – Fair-haired

29. Caleb – Faithful

30. Dylan – Great tide

31. Eli – Ascended

32. Finn – Fair

33. Grayson – Son of the steward

34. Hunter – One who hunts

35. Isaac – He will laugh

36. Julian – Youthful

37. Knox – Round hill

38. Liam – Strong-willed warrior

39. Mason – Stone worker

40. Nate – Gift of God

41. Owen – Young warrior

42. Paxton – Peace town

43. Quincy – Estate of the fifth son

44. Riley – Valiant

45. Sebastian – Venerable

46. Tristan – Tumult

47. Uriah – God is my light

48. Victor – Conqueror

49. Wesley – Western meadow

50. Xavier – New house

Popular Jelly Fish Names

jelly fish in the zoo park 2024 02 27 19 00 29 utc

If the pet jellyfish is your aquariumโ€™s version of a marine influencer, you certainly want a name that reflects its stellar popularity. So, step into the spotlight with your jelly companion with the most popular and fascinating names

1. Marina

2. Crystal

3. Neptune

4. Aqua

5. Pearl

6. Nemo

7. Blu

8. Coral

9. Mystic

10. Splash

11. Bubbles

12. Jelly

13. Wave

14. Ocean

15. Glitter

16. Sparkle

17. Sapphire

18. Dewdrop

19. Azure

20. Ripple

Funny Jelly Fish Names

jellyfishes swim under the water 2023 11 27 05 17 44 utc

Ready for a wave of laughter? Of course you are, and here are 20 of the best jellyfish names thatโ€™ll leave you and anyone who hears doubled over with laughter!

1. Squishy

2. Floaty McFloatface

3. Wiggleton

4. Bloop

5. Jiggles

6. Boing

7. Zigzag

8. Mr. Goo

9. Bubblebutt

10. Fizzle

11. Gelato

12. Sploosh

13. Flubber

14. Jelly Bean

15. Squiggle

16. Pudding

17. Wobble

18. Goober

19. Noodle

20. Splashy

Unique Jelly Fish Names

closeup shot of jellyfish swimming under a sea 2023 11 27 04 57 33 utc

Do you have a rather interesting jellyfish? Does it have distinct features or a striking personality? Does its way of swimming seem weird? Here are 20 names that certainly will match those unique attributes. 

1. Zephyr

2. Eclipse

3. Abyss

4. Nova

5. Galaxy

6. Vortex

7. Chrysalis

8. Luminara

9. Zenith

10. Orbit

11. Mirage

12. Nebula

13. Solstice

14. Vega

15. Quasar

16. Electra

17. Cosmo

18. Vivid

19. Radiance

20. Aura

Fictional Jelly Fish Names

jelly fish swim in water tank over the blue backgr 2023 11 27 04 56 25 utc

The world of fiction is home to a plethora of interesting names. Inspired by various fictional works, here are 20 of the best fictional names for your pet jellyfish. 

1. Ariel

2. Gandalf

3. Katniss

4. Yoda

5. Aslan

6. Dumbledore

7. Eowyn

8. Frodo

9. Hermione

10. Legolas

11. Merlin

12. Narnia

13. Pikachu

14. Saruman

15. Thorin

16. Voldemort

17. Wolverine

18. Xena

19. Zelda

20. Batman

Famous Jelly Fish Names

close up of jellyfish swimming in sea 2023 11 27 05 07 28 utc

Name your gelatinous buddy after an icon. These names are inspired by famous personalities and characters.

1. Einstein

2. Cleopatra

3. Shakespeare

4. DaVinci

5. Galileo

6. Monroe

7. Newton

8. Darwin

9. Mozart

10. Curie

11. Beethoven

12. Freud

13. Napoleon

14. Picasso

15. Tesla

16. Aristotle

17. Copernicus

18. Van Gogh

19. Houdini

20. Michelangelo

Creative Jelly Fish Names

close up of a jellyfish cotylorhiza tuberculata sw 2023 11 27 05 08 40 utc

For those who prefer a more artistic approach to pet naming, here are 20 creative names for jellyfish. 

1. Kaleidoscope

2. Harlequin

3. Mosaic

4. Glimmer

5. Whirlwind

6. Spectra

7. Rhapsody

8. Sonnet

9. Haiku

10. Fresco

11. Palette

12. Chiaroscuro

13. Symphony

14. Virtuoso

15. Caprice

16. Ballad

17. Allegro

18. Cadence

19. Tapestry

20. Aria

In conclusion, naming your jellyfish can be a fun and imaginative process. Whether you choose a name based on its meaning, sound, or just a whimsical choice, it adds a personal touch to your aquatic pet’s identity. Happy naming!

How To Name Your Fishย 

close up of jellyfish swimming in sea 2023 11 27 05 32 14 utc

Naming your pet fish is a big deal! You want a name that fits your fish’s vibe and shows their cool personality. It’s all about building that tight bond between you and your underwater buddy. But hey, it’s also a fun challenge! 

If you’re seeking a splash of inspiration, consider names derived from their physical attributes, such as Gill or Finn, reflecting parts of fish anatomy. Look to the specific species of your fish for a name that speaks to its unique identity.

Expand your horizon by considering your fish’s color, patterns, and unique characteristics. Names that highlight these aspects can add a personal touch and make your fish’s name truly special.

Navigating the Sea of Names

Caring for a pet jellyfish is equal parts fun and challenging. Itโ€™s evident in all things concerning pet ownership, including giving them a befitting name. But weโ€™ve got some buoys to help you navigate through this process:

1. Simplicity is Key:

If you want to play it safe, choose a name that flows off the tongue, preferably with one or two syllables. The name should be memorable and easy for you to use comfortably.

2. Seek Far and Wide for Inspiration: 

You ideally want to go far and wide in your search for fish name inspiration. There truly is no limit to where you may find the perfect baby nameโ€”from baby name books to the unique personality traits of your fish. Is your fish an eager eater, or does it have a quirky swimming pattern? Naming them after these traits can be both meaningful and fun.

3. Unique Stories Lead to Unique Names:ย 

mediterranean jellyfish cotylorhiza tuberculata o 2024 04 03 17 20 11 utc

The perfect name will surely tell the whole story! Has your fish’s arrival into your life been nothing short of a storybook tale? Consider names that reflect this special journey. Names inspired by favorite movies or books, such as Dora, meaning “God’s gift,” or the beloved Nemo, can add a narrative touch to your fish’s identity.

4. The Charm Factor: 

You want a name that mirrors your fishโ€™s humor and playfulness. Still, you should keep in mind that following the latest naming trend isnโ€™t a priority. A name with positive associations in literature or with a personal connection can be just as delightful.

5. The Name Trial: 

Test out your favorite names to see how they sound when called out loud. If youโ€™re uncertain, reach out to your family and friends to know what they think about your name choice. The feedback you get from them can be invaluable in gauging a name’s fit.

6. A Collective Brainstorm: 

If you’re stuck in a naming whirlpool, turn to your social circle or dive into online communities and forums to seek out ideas. Socializing with family, friends, and even strangers can spark the perfect name idea.

7. Revitalize Common Names: 

Give a twist to a common name by adding a title or modifying it slightly to refresh its appeal. For a jellyfish, jelly bean can be a really great name. 

8. For the School of Fish:

When naming a school of fish, consider themes, pairings, or group names that reflect their collective identity. Feel free to draw inspiration from previous pets, as this can be the start of a generation of fishy friends.

Final Thoughts

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You want to give your pet jellyfish a name that encompasses everything about them, from their striking features, distinct coloration, and swimming patterns to their quirky personalities and habits. 

Our guide has quite a list of names, ensuring you always have ideas. You can also come up with cool names for your pet. The bottom line is that you choose a name thatโ€™s the right fit and enjoy the fun and challenges that come with it! 

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s tackle some of the usual questions folks have about naming their pet jellyfish,

Can You Keep Jellyfish With Other Marine Life in an Aquarium?

You can keep jellies and other marine life in the same tank. But you have to be extremely careful with the tankโ€™s water chemistry, companion compatibility, and nutrition. 

Is There Anything Wrong With Changing Your Jellyfish Name?

Absolutely not; thereโ€™s nothing wrong with renaming your pet jellyfish! After all, you gave your pet jellyfish its name, which stems from the bond you share with them. If, for any reason, the name doesnโ€™t encapsulate their person, and youโ€™ve stumbled upon a better fit, feel free to rename them. 

What Are the Cutest Jellyfish Names?

Some of the cutest jellyfish names are Floaty McFloatface, Bubblebutt, Gelato, Jelly Bean, and

Squiggle. These names are sure to leave you feeling delightful. 

Ian Sterling

Ian Sterling, founder of, began his aquarium journey over 30 years ago, driven by a deep fascination for fish and their diverse personalities. His website,, is dedicated to making fishkeeping accessible and enjoyable, offering beginner-friendly guidance, expert insights, and a community for aquarists to connect and share experiences.

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